sub package to house typescript version of Phoenix config
Documentation for updating and maintaining the javascript configuration file that allows for adjusting and fine tuning values for JMAP. In this documentation is a list of all possible fields that a maintainer/administrator may adjust to affect different changes within the JMAP Client without requiring a rebuilding/recompiling on the developer side. Please read and understand all documentation and fields before making adjustments to the phoenix_config.js file.
Note: Fields marked as deprecated are no longer used by this implementation and are marked as to be removed. However due to legacy code checks attempts to update or remove may result in loss of functionality or broken product.
Phoenix Configuration Documentation
To Begin please read and understand the documentation listed.
Updating Configuration File.
- Read and understand documentation to follow constraints on fields listed in documentation.
- Any text editor.
To adjust/modify the phoenix_config.js simply open any text editor find the field you wish and replace with desired value adhering to configuration documentation. This is a javascript file so make sure you follow javascript practices such as strings are wrapped in quotes ('foo') numbers are without quotes (5). The actual configuration file itself is generated through a typescript compilation process so it's not as clean to read as perhaps a JSON file would be so doing a document search for desired fields will probably be easiest rather than trying to read through all the generated code that comes along with a compilation process.
After modifying the phoenix_config.js file any new browser or browser refresh of Application should pick up most changes. Some changes however get cached locally to a browsers indexedb. If a change is not being reflected on browser refresh please clear your browsers cache for the JMAP Client and refresh again.