Load assets automatically for Phaser3
A Webpack plugin to load assets automatically for Phaser3. It watches the directories along your setting and exports a json file that listed the assets information.
$ npm install phaser-assets-webpack-plugin
Define into webpack.config.js
const PhaserAssetsWebpackPlugin = require('phaser-assets-webpack-plugin')
// ...
entry: {
output: {
plugins: [
new PhaserAssetsWebpackPlugin({
patterns: [
{ type: 'image', dir: '/img', rule: /^\w+\.png$/ },
{ type: 'audio', dir: '/audio', rule: /^\w+\.(m4a|ogg)$/ }
documentRoot: './public',
output: './src/assets.json'
|Key|Default|What is|
|patterns|Required|An Array of assets settings|
|The path to the document root directory.|
|The path to the json file to output.|
|The name of settings file for spritesheet.|
|Key|Required|What is|
|type|Yes|Method name for Phaser::Loader. image
will be spritesheet
automatically when it is.|
|prefix|No|Prefix for the assets key name.|
|dir|Yes|Assets directory from document root. It can be started with /
or ./
|rule|Yes|Name pattern of files to be assets.|
|callback|No|Callback function after loaded. Given arg that Array of the loaded data.|
// config file
module.exports = {
patterns: [
{ type: 'image', dir: '/img', rule: /^\w+\.png$/ },
{ type: 'audio', dir: '/audio', rule: /^\w+\.(m4a|ogg)$/ }
documentRoot: './public',
output: './src/assets.json'
$ phaser-assets --config <path to config file> --watch
Use the exported json in Phaser3
An example of the exported json.
"image": [
["title", "/img/title.png"]
"spritesheet": [
["player", "/img/player.png", { "frameWidth": 16, "frameHeight": 16, "startFrame": 0, "endFrame": 3 }]
"audio": [
["bgm", ["/audio/bgm.m4a", "/audio/bgm.ogg"]]
The key names based on each file name. ( player.png
=> [prefix]player
The Data can be imported and used for Phaser::Loader as is.
import assets from './assets.json'
Object.keys(assets).forEach(methodName => {
assets[methodName].forEach(args => scene.load[methodName](...args)
The json file will be regenerated automatically when added or removed files while webpack is watching.
Spritesheet setting
Just define num of horizontal and vertical for each spritesheet into JSON file located same dir as assets.
- img/
- player.png
- setting.json
["player.png", 3, 1]
The image
will be spritesheet
if the setting is exsists.
- Webpack5
I'm not sure if this will be working on other versions. Please make an issue or PR if need it.