A command-line utility and module to turn postgres tables into JSON Schemas
A command-line utility and module to turn postgresql tables into JSON Schemas. Uses pg-structure for the table to json conversion.
I wrote this module because I have a set of REST-like APIs using JSON Schema for their input and output validation. The tables provide the low level data interchange formats I use throughout my code. So pairing this with my other jsonschema-to-typings utility gives me both code completion and hinting alongside jsonschema based validation.
DISCLAIMER: I wrote this module to fit my specific project needs. I may have missed a few column types. Also complex types like arrays and geo-spatial data have not been added. Feel free to fork or add pull requests for anything you are missing
UPDATE: I've now released version 1.0.0 which doesn't break previous APIs and features but is a pretty big refactor. Switched to pg-structure and typescript and now supporting config based conversion.
Command-line usage
pgtables2jsonschema --pg-host localhost --pg-user admin --pg-password secret --pg-database my-db --pg-schema my_schema -b 'http://yourhost/schema/' -o test/
Calling with -h will provide you with all the possible options:
Usage: cli [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-c, --config Path to configuration file. Additional parameters override config values
--pg-host <value> The postgresql host to connect to
--pg-port <n> The postgresql host to connect to. Defaults to 5432
--pg-database <value> The postgresql database to connect to
--pg-user <value> The postgresql user to login with
--pg-password <value> The postgresql password to login with
--pg-schema <value> The postgresql schema to convert
-i, --indent [size] The indent size in spaces. Default: 2
-o, --out [file] Output folder. Default output is to STDOUT. A sub-folder will be created per schema
-b, --base-url [url] The optional base url for the schema id
-p, --additional-properties Allow additional properties on final schema. Set option to allow properties. Default: false
-t, --include-tables <value> Comma separated list of tables to process. Default is all tables found
-e, --exclude-tables <value> Comma separated list of tables to exclude. Default is to not exclude any
-u, --unwrap Unwraps the schema if only 1 is returned
-h, --help output usage information
You can find an example configuration in this repository.
Code usage
You can use the schema converter module as follows:
var converter = require( "pg-tables-to-jsonschema" );
// Schemas is an array of json-schema objects
const schemas = await converter( {
pg: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 5432,
user: 'admin',
password: 'secret'
database: 'db_name',
input: {
schemas: ['public', 'stuff'],
exclude: ['not_this_table'],
include: []
output: {
additionalProperties: false,
baseUrl: '',
defaultDescription: 'Missing description',
indentSpaces: 2,
outDir: 'dist/schema',
unwrap: false
} );