Apply changesets of your data structure for Postgresql easily from your node application
What is it?
NodeJS lacks support for good proper ORMs, and most ORMs tend to suck a bit in the end anyway. For inventid I therefore developed this simple nodejs version for postgresql of Liquibase. It is based on the excellent node-postgres library.
The database changelog table
pg-migration will automatically create the table (dbchangelog
) for you.
How to use
- Import the library
import migration from 'pg-migration';
- Configure the library:
const migrateAndStart = migration({ log: (level, message) => { your logging code here } })
- Create a valid database client connection
- Create the migration, with that client, and a callback to the server start (e.g.
migrateAndStart(db, './migrations', startServer);
Files called
and dbchangelog.sql
from the migrations folder are ignored.
Since the changeset id is derived from the file name, you can use the following command to create a new one
touch `date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.sql
Please be careful that the files will be executed in a alphabetically sorted fashion, so ensure that files do not depend on anything later (it's really a poor mans Liquibase).