A WebSocket-TCP proxy that enables PostgreSQL clients to connect to a Postgres database running in the browser
𓃰 PG Browser Proxy 🔌
A WebSocket-TCP proxy that enables PostgreSQL clients to connect to a Postgres database running in the browser. Designed to work with PGlite, a lightweight embeddable Postgres that runs in WebAssembly.
This allows you to:
- Use standard PostgreSQL clients (psql, pgAdmin, Drizzle Studio, etc.) to connect to a browser-based database
- Use tools like
to backup your database
How it Works
The proxy creates two servers:
- A WebSocket server that communicates with the database instance in the browser
- A TCP server that accepts standard PostgreSQL client connections
When a PostgreSQL client connects to the TCP server, the proxy:
- Forwards the client's messages to the browser through WebSocket
- Returns the browser's responses back to the client through TCP
1. Install the Packages
bun add pg-browser-proxy
2. Start the Proxy
Using bunx:
bunx pg-browser-proxy
To use custom ports:
bunx pg-browser-proxy -t 5433 -w 8080
See all options:
bunx pg-browser-proxy -h
3. Connect Your Database Instance
import { connectProxy } from "pg-browser-proxy";
import { PGliteWorker } from "@electric-sql/pglite/worker";
const db = await PGliteWorker.create(
new Worker(new URL("./worker", import.meta.url), {
type: "module",
// Connect to the proxy in development
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" || process.env.NODE_ENV === "test") {
connectProxy((message) => db.execProtocolRaw(message), {
wsPort: 443, // optional, defaults to 443
The key requirement is that your database must be able to handle raw Postgres wire protocol messages.
4. Connect with PostgreSQL Tools
Once both the proxy and your application are running, you can connect to your browser's database using any PostgreSQL client:
# Using psql
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres
# Using pg_dump
pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres > backup.sql
For tools like Drizzle Studio, configure your connection in your drizzle config:
export default defineConfig({
dialect: "postgresql",
dbCredentials: {
url: "postgres://localhost:5432",
ssl: false,
- Only one browser connection is allowed at a time
Further Reading
- pg-gateway - Built on top of this project
- - A blog post by Supabase about running Postgres in the browser