An advanced JavaScript alert library for all PWAs. NPM accessible.
With 5 Fully customizable templates🎨.
Template Designs
Getting Started [ installation ]
1. By Source Reference
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="path-to-css/pexxalert.min.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="path-to-js/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="path-to-js/pexxalert.min.js"></script>
2. Via NPM
Step 1. Install both pexxalert and jquery via Node CLI.
npm i pexxalert jquery
Step 2. Import.
import 'pexxalert/dist/pexxalert.min.css';
import $ from 'jquery';
import pexxalert from 'pexxalert';
Step 3. Usage. (React App Example).
// window == browser window object.
var alert = new pexxalert($, window, 'alert', { anchor : '#root'});
function show_alert(event){ return alert.display({ type : 'success', message : 'All worked out.' });
function App(){ return ( <div className="App"><button onClick={ show_alert }>Tap Me</button></div> );
export default App;
Global Object Declaration
NOTE: The instantiation below is to be made once and should be done when document is ready. NOTE: $ == jquery init function. window == browser window object.
// For alert
const alert = new pexxalert($, window, 'alert', { anchor: 'body' });
// For confirm
const confirm = new pexxalert($, window, 'confirm', { anchor: 'body' });
// For progress
const progress = new pexxalert($, window, 'progress', { anchor: 'body' });
// For input
const input = new pexxalert($, window, 'input', { anchor: 'body' });
// For call
const call = new pexxalert($, window, 'call', { anchor: 'body' });
Declared Object Use
NOTE: Use the previously declared global object anytime you want to display its related alert. All you do is to set the new alert options as a parameter for the .display({ new options }) method. Just like it's done below.
// For alert
alert.display({ type : 'success', message : 'All went well' });
// For confirm
title : 'Process This?',
message : 'This process will run and do what it has to',
accept_label : 'Process', reject_label : 'Cancel',
call_back : function(choice){
// Manage choice
if (choice == 'yes') return console.log('Yes'); console.log('No');
// For progress
title : 'Uploading image...', call_back : function(progress,element,box){
// Manage progress hand
$(progress).css({ 'width' : '30%' })
// For input
title : 'What Is Your Favorite Fruit?', message : 'No vegetables please',
placeholder : 'Enter a fruit', type : 'text',
process_label : 'Submit', discard_label : 'Discard'
call_back : function(input,choice,element){
// Manage choice & element [ button clicked ]
$(element).hide(); $(element).siblings().show();
// For call
routing_id : 22, name : 'John', username : 'johnnyboy',
avatar : '', type : 'video',
call_back : function(action,routing_id,username,type){
// Manage choice
if (action == 'yes') { console.log('answered') }
else { console.log('rejected') }
Global Object Options
| Option | Type | Default | Purpose |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| anchor
| string | "body" | Anchor element to which all alerts are appended. Start string with "." for class selection or "#" for id selection. |
| stack
| boolean | false | Stacking alert messages against each other. NOTE: This option only works for both Alert and Progress templates. |
| stack_position
| string | "top" | Stacking order. NOTE: This option only works if stacking is enabled and only supports "top" and "bottom". |
| theme
| boolean | true | Determines whether to enable dark or light mode themes. NOTE: This option does not rely on a browser's OS. |
| theme_type
| string | "snow"| Set to apply dark or light theme color palette. NOTE: This option only works if theme is enabled supports "snow" and "darcula". |
| theme_backgrounds
| object | { snow : { solid : '#FFFFFF', alpha : 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)', color : '#363636' }, darcula : { solid : '#363636', alpha : 'rgba(54,54,61,0.5)', color : '#FFFFFF' } } | Defines set of color palettes to be used for dark and light mode themes. NOTE: This option is only applicable if theme is enabled. |
| accent
| string | "#6671F0" | Color to be applied to buttons and other indicators. |
| blur
| boolean | true | Determines whether to apply back-drop blur filter or a solid one. |
| static_background
| string | "#6671F0" | Background color for templates when theme and blur has been disabled. |
| static_color
| string | "#FFFFFF" | Text color for templates when theme has been disabled. |
| static_alpha
| string | "rgba(102,113,240,0.5)" | Background color for templates when theme has been disabled but blur is enabled. |
| responsive
| boolean | true | Determines whether to set different positions of alert for mobile and desktop resolutions. NOTE: This option only applies to Alert templates. |
| responsiveness_threshold
| int | 800 | Threshold to determine when to use mobile or desktop versions of the Alert template. If view width is within this value, mobile is set else desktop is set. |
| auto_close
| boolean | true | Set to enable or disable auto-close for alerts. Applies to only Alert templates. |
| auto_close_speed
| int | 2500 | Number of seconds before alert gets auto-closed. NOTE: Time unit is milliseconds and applies to only Alert templates. |
| landscape
| boolean | false | Force set landscape for alerts. NOTE: This option only works when responsive is enabled and applies to Alert templates. |
| force_padding
| int | 0 | Set extra top padding for alerts to get away with device status bar or notch coverage. |
Display Method Options
| Option | Type | Default | Purpose |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| message
| string | "Test Message" | Alert message text. |
| type
| string | "success" | Defines if alert message is success or an error. NOTE: This option only supports "success" and "error". |
| call_back
| function | function | Function triggered on alert closure.
| Option | Type | Default | Purpose |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| message
| string | "Test Message" | Alert message text. |
| type
| string | "success" | Defines if alert message is success or an error. NOTE: This option only supports "success" and "error". |
| call_back
| function | function | Function triggered on alert closure. |
| Option | Type | Default | Purpose |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| title
| string | "Run This Test?" | Context title. |
| message
| string | "This process will run and do what it has to" | Message text. |
| accept_label
| string | "Yes" | Text on acceptance button. |
| reject_label
| string | "No" | Text on rejection button. |
| fragment
| boolean | true | Determines whether or not to allow URL fragmenting for template. |
| call_back
| function | function | Function triggered on choice selection. |
| Option | Type | Default | Purpose |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| title
| string | "Run This Test?" | Progress task label/title. |
| call_back
| function | function | Function triggered on prrogress template show. This function makes available both progress hand and element for progress manipulation. |
| Option | Type | Default | Purpose |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| title
| string | "Your Favorite Fruit?" | Context title. |
| message
| string | "No vegetables please" | Message text of requied input. |
| placeholder
| string | "Enter a fruit" | Input field placeholder. |
| type
| string | "text" | Determines the accepted input type. NOTE: This option supports both text and number input types. |
| process_label
| string | "Submit" | Text on process button. |
| discard_label
| string | "Discard" | Text on discard button. |
| fragment
| boolean | true | Determines whether or not to allow URL fragmenting for template. |
| call_back
| function | function | Function triggered on input submission. NOTE: This fuction returns the choice selected, the selected button and input for processing. |
| Option | Type | Default | Purpose |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| routing_id
| int | 0 | A webRTC id [ custom usage ]. |
| name
| string | "John" | Caller screen name [ custom usage ]. |
| username
| string | "johnney" | Caller screen username [ custom usage ]. |
| avatar
| string | "" | Caller avatar/image source URL [ custom usage ]. |
| type
| string | "video" | Call type [ custom usage ]. This option only supports "video" and "audio". |
| call_back
| function | function | Function triggered on choice selection. [ custom usage ] |
Updating Global Object Options
Use the .update({ new options }) method to update a declared global template options.
Sound Source
Sound Effect Support
Sound effects were omitted starting from version 2.0.0.
Release History
- Initial [ v1.0.0 ]
- 11/28/2022 [ v2.0.0 ]