Abstracts access to any storage object implementing the webstorage Storage interface, offering optional compression using lz-string and optional encryption using crypto
Abstracts access to any storage object implementing the webstorage Storage interface, and provides some extra features:
- Seamless Serialisation / Deserialization of objects (functions and prototype etc however will not be maintained)
- Optional seamless compression using lz-string
- Optional seamless encryption using node crypto / browserify-crypto
- Optional key scoping
See interfaces for documentation of configuration object
Example Usage
//Without Scoping
var PersistentStore = require('persistent-store')
var store = new PersistentStorage({
useCompression: false,
storageBackend: new StorageShim()
store.setItem("myObj", {foo: "bar"})
console.log(store.getItem("myObj")) // Prints {foo: "bar"}
//With scoping
var fred = new PersistentStorage({
useCompression: true,
keyPrefix: 'fred'
storageBackend: new StorageShim()
var bob = new PersistentStorage({
useCompression: false,
keyPrefix: 'bob'
storageBackend: new StorageShim()
fred.setItem("name", "Fred")
bob.setItem("name", "Bob")
console.log(fred.getItem("name")) // prints Fred
console.log(bob.getItem("name")) // prints Bob
See unit tests here for further examples
persistent-storage is available as an npm package. Simply run:
npm install --save persistent-storage
A typescript definition file is provided with the package and will be automatically used by the typescript compiler
Running Unit Tests
The unit tests use mocha and phantomjs, and are setup to run by the standard npm test command.
npm install
npm test
You can also run them using the browser of your choice by opening the html file found here