A library for handling roles and permissions in large-scale React apps
React permission gate
inspired by
Easily render or hide pieces of UI relative to the user's access role.
Supports Typescript and Flow type
full example here
import { PermissionGateProvider } from 'permission-gate';
// define or get from api rules and freeze them
const rules = Object.freeze({
componentName: ['admin', 'user', 'other-role'],
anotherComponentName: ['admin'],
function MyApp() {
const role = 'user'; // get from authenticated user
return (
<PermissionGateProvider role={role} rulesMap={rules}>
<App />
then anywhere in the app use names of logical components defined in the rules map
import { PermissionGate } from 'permission-gate';
<PermissionGate name="componentName">
<div>Component available for authorized user</div>
<PermissionGate name="anotherComponentName">
<div>Admin only component</div>
or use hook
import { usePermission } from 'permission-gate';
const { permission: showComponentName, role, rulesMap, } = usePermission('componentName');
// permission for the current user
// his role and rulea map as passed to the provider
{showComponentName && <div>Component available for authorized user</div>}
Advanced usage
A validator function can be provided
import { PermissionGateProvider } from 'permission-gate';
// define or get from api rules and freeze them
const rules = Object.freeze({
componentName: ['admin', 'user', 'other-role'],
anotherComponentName: ['admin'],
function validator({ role, rulesMap, name }) {
// default validator implementation
const scope = rulesMap[name];
if (!scope) return true;
return scope.includes(role);
function MyApp() {
const role = 'user'; // get from authenticated user
return (
<PermissionGateProvider role={role} rulesMap={rules} validator={validator}>
<App />