Fast, space-effective node.js permissions library
Permissible lets you define a schema for you permissions object.
It uses bitwise math and bigints to store permissions as a bitmask.These operations are very fast. Currently, supported types: boolean and enum.
Converting the permissions object to base64 is useful because of its size. If you need to send permissions over jwt or smaller storage in database, assuming you don't need to query permissions.
Define you schema. To define a boolean value use key: boolean
where the value is the default value.
To define an enum use { default: string, fields: string[] }
, where fields is the array of available types and default is a value from the array.
const jsonSchema = {
sendMessage: true,
readMessageHistory: true,
deleteMessages: false,
createThreads: true,
sendEmoji: true,
sendFiles: true,
editChannels: false,
createChannels: false,
deleteChannels: false,
kickUsers: false,
banUsers: false,
inviteUsers: true,
type: {
default: 'user',
fields: [
Create your schema
const schema: Schema<typeof jsonSchema> = new Schema(jsonSchema);
You can create a Permissions object from base64 string
const pString = 'OwgA';
const pFromString: Permissions<typeof jsonSchema> = Permissions.fromBase64(pString, schema);
Check permissions using .is(field, [value])
if ( {
console.log('This user can send messages');
if (, schema.fields.type.admin)) {
console.log('This user is admin');
This user can send messages
Set permissions using .set(field, value)
console.log('Checking permissions')
if (, schema.fields.type.admin)) {
console.log('This user is admin');
if ( {
console.log('This user can kick users');
if ( {
console.log('This user can ban users');
console.log('Setting permissions')
pFromString.set(schema.fields.kickUsers, true);
pFromString.set(schema.fields.banUsers, true);
pFromString.set(schema.fields.type, schema.fields.type.admin);
console.log('Checking permissions');
if (, schema.fields.type.admin)) {
console.log('This user is admin');
if ( {
console.log('This user can kick users');
if ( {
console.log('This user can ban users');
if (, schema.fields.type.admin)) {
console.log('This user is admin');
Checking permissions
Setting permissions
Checking permissions
This user is admin
This user can kick users
This user can ban users
Create permissions from schema defaults
const defaultPermissions: Permissions<typeof jsonSchema> = schema.createDefault();
sendMessage: true,
readMessageHistory: true,
deleteMessages: false,
createThreads: true,
sendEmoji: true,
sendFiles: true,
editChannels: false,
createChannels: false,
deleteChannels: false,
kickUsers: false,
banUsers: false,
inviteUsers: true,
type: 'user'
Create permissions from json
const json: JsonPermissions = {
sendMessage: true,
readMessageHistory: true,
deleteMessages: false,
createThreads: true,
sendEmoji: true,
sendFiles: true,
editChannels: false,
createChannels: false,
deleteChannels: false,
kickUsers: false,
banUsers: false,
inviteUsers: true,
type: 'user',
const pFromJson: Permissions<typeof jsonSchema> = Permissions.fromJson(json, schema);
const pJson: JsonPermissions = pFromJson.toJson();
sendMessage: true,
readMessageHistory: true,
deleteMessages: false,
createThreads: true,
sendEmoji: true,
sendFiles: true,
editChannels: false,
createChannels: false,
deleteChannels: false,
kickUsers: false,
banUsers: false,
inviteUsers: true,
type: 'user'
You can make empty permissions using the Permissions constructor
const pFromCtor: Permissions<typeof jsonSchema> = new Permissions(0n, schema);
sendMessage: false,
readMessageHistory: false,
deleteMessages: false,
createThreads: false,
sendEmoji: false,
sendFiles: false,
editChannels: false,
createChannels: false,
deleteChannels: false,
kickUsers: false,
banUsers: false,
inviteUsers: false,
type: 'user'
You can format as base64 or json
const defaultPermissions: Permissions<typeof jsonSchema> = schema.createDefault();
sendMessage: true,
readMessageHistory: true,
deleteMessages: false,
createThreads: true,
sendEmoji: true,
sendFiles: true,
editChannels: false,
createChannels: false,
deleteChannels: false,
kickUsers: false,
banUsers: false,
inviteUsers: true,
type: 'user'
Type inference
Types can be inferred, this is valid typescript.
const newJsonSchema = {
a: true,
b: false,
const newSchema = new Schema(newJsonSchema);