Have your connections information per environment into your projects repository and use this tool to deploy connections.
Have your connections information per environment into your projects repository and use this tool to deploy connections.
First install it globally
npm instlal -g pentaho-connections-deploy
Then, being on the same folder as your config.js
file, type:
pentaho-connections-deploy --env=local
Or optionally pass the config file name using the argument --config=<filepath>
# The file connecttions.js is imported by config.js, so only
# config.js has to be provided
pentaho-connections-deploy --env=local --config=./config.js
For the given environment, it will:
- Copy the necessary jdbc files into pentaho-server lib folder;
- Copy the necessary jdbc files into data-integration lib folder;
- Create/Update JNDI entries into the specified data-integration instalation;
- Create/Update JDBC connections into the specified Pentaho server using its API.
The script relies into a configuration in the following format:
This file contains paths, urls and available connections per environment.
There's a sample config file on config.sample.js
// The path where your JDBC files are stored
repoJDBCFolder: "../jdbc",
// production env - naming is free - create your own
production: {
// pentaho-server information
server: {
url: 'http://localhost:8080/pentaho',
path: '/opt/pentaho/server/pentaho-server',
// which connections will be available
connections: [prodCon.dw],
// Pentaho server credentials
auth: {
user: 'admin',
pass: 'password'
//data-integration information
pdi: {
path: '/opt/pentaho/design-tools/data-integration',
//which jndi to create/update
connections: [prodCon.dw, prodCon.transac, prodCon.staging]
// another environment - naming is free
local: {
server: {
url: 'http://localhost:8080/pentaho',
path: '/opt/the7/server/pentaho-server',
connections: [localCon.dw],
auth: {
user: 'admin',
pass: 'password'
pdi: {
path: '/opt/the7/design-tools/data-integration',
connections: [localCon.dw, localCon.transac, localCon.staging]
This file contains connections info per environment.
There's a sample config file on config.sample.js
//Connections available to the local environment
local: {
// dw connection - naming is free
dw: {
// See ./src/dbtypes
type: 'vertica',
// JNDI/JDBC connection name
// database name
databaseName: "MY_DW",
// database port
port: "5433",
// database host
hostname: 'localhost',
// database user
user: 'postgres',
// database password
password: '123'
// Another connection - used in config.js
staging: {
type: 'postgres',
JNDI: 'staging_area',
databaseName: "staging_area",
port: "5432",
hostname: 'localhost',
user: 'postgres',
password: '123'
// Another connection - used in config.js
transac: {
type: 'mssql',
SQLServerInstance: 'InstanceName',
databaseName: "dbName",
port: "1433",
hostname: '',
user: 'sa',
password: '123'
production: {/*...*/}