PeerConnection ==============
PeerConnection implementation for Node.js. This allows Node.js server to receive WebRTC calls from the browsers. Only Chrome is tested for now. Firefox might work when the interop notes are taken into account.
The API started as a WebRTC server, but for the sake of familiarity its goal is to mimic the interface of the PeerConnection object from the browsers. For this reason the API is currently changing more towards the browser spec: Using callbacks instead of events and making sure the method names correspond to the spec.
var connections = [];
socket.on('offer', function( sdp ) {
console.log( "New offer:" );
console.log( sdp.sdp );
// Create the PeerConnection and setRemoteDescription from the offer.
var c = new nodertc.PeerConnection();
c.setRemoteDescription( sdp );
connections.push( c );
// File for writing the audio.
var stream = fs.createWriteStream( + ".pcm" );
c.on( 'icecandidate', function( evt ) {
// New ice candidate from the local socket.
// Emit it to the browser.
socket.emit( 'icecandidate', evt );
c.on( 'answer', function( evt ) {
// Answer from the local socket.
// Emit it to the browser.
socket.emit( 'answer', evt );
c.on( 'audio', function( evt ) {
// Audio from the local socket.
// Write it to a f ile.
stream.write( );
socket.on( 'icecandidate', function( evt ) {
// icecandidate from the remote connection,
// add it to the local connection.
c.addIceCandidate( evt );
Platform support
Supported platforms:
- Linux x64
The platform restrictions are due to the native libjingle bindings. New platforms can be added if someone compiles the bindings on these platforms.
Compile libjingle on a new platform using
gclient config
gclient sync
cd trunk
ninja -C out/Release peerconnection_client
After this the bindings can be compiled with node-gyp rebuild
. The
file assumes that libjingle is located next to node-peerclient:
If this is not the case you can use the libjingle variable to specify its location:
node-gyp rebuild --libjingle=/usr/sdks/libjingle/trunk
- Google and rest of the libjingle team for the WebRTC implementation.
- João Martins for the original idea on using libjingle.