A request response library using PeerJS to make it easier to write p2p applications
makes it easy to create request/response style peer to peer applications.
It builds on top of PeerJS to make it easy for you to send and handle requests from peers.
###How to use peer-server###
import * as PeerServer from 'peer-server'
// peerId and options are analogous to the peerJS Peer constructor parameters
PeerServer.startServer(peerId, options).then((peerId) => {
console.log(peerId) // your peerId
/* sending a request */
PeerServer.sendRequest(somePeerId, {
'name of request': {} // whatever the value is here will be the value of req in the handler
}, (err, data) => {
err // will be any error from the connection and data transfer process
data // any data that the peer sends back
/* handling requests */
PeerServer.on('name of request', requestHandler)
function requestHandler (req, res) {
req // the payload data that was sent from the peer
res({}) // will send the response data back to the other peer, can send any data