CLI for cross-platform and cross-datasource querying
Peachy :peach:
The cross-platform and cross-data-source query CLI
Currently supported data sources
Future development
The idea behind this tool is to add all of the main and popular data sources. This CLI is basically just an interactive shim over the peacherine module. For instance, development work will start in order to add Postgres as an available data source to query
$ npm install -g peachy-cli
$ peachy -h
Usage: peachy [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-s, --datasources list available data source types
-l, --list list available connections in config (~/.peachy)
-t, --test test connection
-c, --connection <connection-name> connection name (from ~/.peachy)
-i, --collection <collection-name> collection to perform the action on
-f, --filter <filter-json> filter for searching and updating documents
-u, --update <update-json> document update options
-o, --operation <operation-name> action to take on data source
-d, --document <document-json> the document to insert, update, or delete from a collection
-q, --query <query> query text applicable for certain data sources
queryCollection (mongodb, documentdb)
(all) --collection target collection
(documentdb) --query query to run
(mongodb) --filter filter to search (optional)
createDocument (mongodb, documentdb)
(all) --collection target collection
(all) --document document to insert
updateDocuments (mongodb)
(mongodb) --collection target collection
(mongodb) --filter filter to update (optional)
(mongodb) --update update options to apply to doc
deleteDocuments (mongodb)
(mongodb) --collection target collection
(mongodb) --filter filter to delete (optional)
Note: RDMBSes take the query param text to run
Config file setup: running any command will create the
base config file. I.e. run "peachy -l" which will list
all of the connections in configuration, and if the config
file does not exist it will create it at ~/.peachy
List all available connections (or create a new config file in ~/.peachy)
$ peachy -l
:bulb: If there is not ~/.peachy configuration file then running this will create a base file. This is the recommended workflow so you don't have to manually create the JSON file, and you can just modify it manually after-the-fact
List available data sources
$ peachy -s
Test a connection to any data source
$ peachy -c <connection-name> -t
MySQL, SQL Server, and SQL Azure
$ peachy -c <connection-name> -q "select * from information_schema.tables"
query all documents in the collection
$ peachy -c <connection-name> -i <collection-name>
query with a filter
$ peachy -c <connection-name> -i <collection-name> -f <json-filter>
insert a document in the collection
$ peachy -c <connection-name> -i <collection-name> -o createDocument -d <json-document>
update documents (or a document) in the collection
$ peachy -c <connection-name> -i <collection-name> -o updateDocuments -f <json-filter> -u <json-update-obj>
delete documents (or a document) in the collection
$ peachy -c <connection-name> -i <collection-name> -o deleteDocuments -f <json-filter>
query documents
$ peachy -c <connection-name> -i <collection-name> -q "select * from c"
insert a document in the collection
$ peachy -c <connection-name> -i <collection-name> -o createDocument -d <json-document>