PowerDNS CLI application
CLI for PowerDNS
sudo npm install -g pdns
Configure for MySQL
Create database "powerdns" in MySQL
sudo pdns config set db powerdns
sudo pdns config set user <mysqluser>
sudo pdns config set password <mysqlpass>
To connect on a remote MySQL server you can also set the host (default is "localhost:3306"):
sudo pdns config set host <host>
$ pdns -h
help: domains [list|add|remove]
help: domains list [<name> [<type> [<ttl> [<created_at>]]]] : List all domains matching the parameters
help: domains add <domain.tld> [<type> [<ttl>]] [--soa [<soa_content>]] [--mx [<mx_content>]] [--ns [<ns_content>]] : Add a new domain
help: --soa : Generate a default SOA record
help: --soa=<soa_content> : Generate a SOA record using <soa_content>
help: --mx : Generate a default MX record
help: --mx=<mx_content> : Generate an MX record using <mx_content>
help: --ns : Generate a default NS record
help: --ns=<ns_content> : Generate an NS record using <ns_content>
help: domains remove <name> [<type> [<ttl> [<created_at> [updated_at]]]] : Remove all domains matching the parameters
help: records [list|add|remove] [--domain|-d]
help: records list [<name> [<type> [<content>]]] -d=<domain.tld> : List all records for domain_name matching the parameters
help: records add <name> <type> <content> [<ttl>] -d=<domain.tld> : Add a new record for <domain.tld>
help: records remove <name> [<type> [<content> [<ttl>]]] -d=<domain.tld> : Remove all records for <domain.tld> matching the parameters
help: Options:
help: --domain, -d Domain to use for the records command [string]
help: --ns NameServer address when adding a new domain, default is "ns1.<domain.tld>"
help: --soa Start of autority when adding a new domain, default is "ns1.<domain.tld> admin@<domain.tld> <YYYYMMDD>01 10800 7200 604800 10800"
help: --mx SMTP server when adding a new domain, default is "mail.<domain.tld>"
Use adapter directly
var config = {
adapter: "mysql",
db: "powerdns_development",
user: "root",
password: "mysqlpass"
var pdns = require('pdns')(config);
pdns.domains.list({}, {}, function(err, domains) {...});
pdns.domains.add({name: "test.com"}, {soa:true, mx:true, ns:true}, function(err, res) {...});
pdns.domains.remove({name: "test.com"}, {}, function(err, res) {...});
pdns.records.list("test.com", {}, {}, function(err, records) {...});
pdns.records.add("test.com", {name: "ns2", type: "A", content:""}, {}, function(err, res) {...});
pdns.records.remove("test.com", {name: "ns2"}, {}, function(err, res) {...});
MIT license.