Parse, modify and serialize PDF files
Parse, modify and serialize PDF files with Node
idea & motivation
I was looking for a simple and small implementation of the PDF specs to manipulate PDFs on a basic level.
- PDF.js is relativley heavy, including the possibility to render files (which is great for use with a browser).
- Other libraries depend on command line tools (like qpdf, pdftk or mutool) that are written in another language.
package has no dependencies
npm i pdf-lang
example usage
list all pdf objects ordered by id
const { PDF } = require('pdf-lang')
1 {
Type: Symbol(Catalog),
Pages: obj { id: 3 },
PageLayout: Symbol(SinglePage),
ViewerPreferences: { PageDirection: Symbol(L2R) }
2 {
Creator: 'Scribus 1.5.5',
Producer: 'Scribus PDF Library 1.5.5',
Title: 'PDF-File',
CreationDate: 'D:20220914071523Z'
3 {
Type: Symbol(Pages),
Kids: [
obj { id: 4 },
Count: 1
4 {
Type: Symbol(Page),
Parent: obj { id: 3 },
MediaBox: [ 0, 0, 612.28346, 858.89764 ],
TrimBox: [ 8.50394, 8.50394, 603.77953, 850.3937 ],
Rotate: 0,
Contents: obj { id: 5 }
5 {
Length: obj { id: 6 },
Filter: Symbol(FlateDecode),
[Symbol(stream)]: <Buffer 78 da 6d 8e b1 0e 82 40 0c 86 ... 129 more bytes>
6 139
trim all pages by certain amount
const { PDF, mm2pt } = require('pdf-lang')
const pdf = new PDF('file.pdf')
pdf.trim(mm2pt(3)) // trim each page by 3mm
cut pages
const { PDF } = require('pdf-lang')
const pdf = new PDF('file.pdf')
pdf.cut(2) // cut horizontally into 2
// OR
pdf.cut(1, 2) // cut vertically into 2
// OR
pdf.cut(2, 2) // cut horizontally into 2 and then vertically into 2 (resulting in 4 pages)
replace RGB colors with CMYK
naive implementation without profiles etc.
const { PDF } = require('pdf-lang')
const pdf = new PDF('file.pdf')
pdf.toCMYK() // replacing all RGB values inside all content streams by respective CMYK values
// OR using a callback
pdf.toCMYK((rgb, cmyk) => {
// simply returning cmyk would do the same as above
// rgb is an Array(3) with values 0...1 (may seem odd, but that is how it is represented in pdf content streams)
// cmyk is an Array(4) with values 0...1
// you could implement your own lookup mechanism here
rgb = rgb.map(v => Math.round(v * 255))
cmyk = [ ... ]
// or do simple modifications like
cmyk[1] *= 0.8
return cmyk
traverse through the internal tree structure
The base is <PDF>.tree
which contains the PDF trailer. The nodes are Proxy
objects, allowing the internal references to other objects (obj { id: 2 }
) to be resolved.
const { PDF } = require('pdf-lang')
const pdf = new PDF('file.pdf')
pdf.tree.Info.Producer = 'my amazing PDF-tool'
Type: Symbol(Pages),
Kids: [ obj { id: 8 }, obj { id: 12 } ],
Count: 12,
Resources: obj { id: 53 }
Type: Symbol(Page),
Parent: obj { id: 3 },
MediaBox: [ 0, 0, 612.28346, 858.89764 ],
TrimBox: [ 8.50394, 8.50394, 603.77953, 850.3937 ],
Rotate: 0,
Contents: obj { id: 7 }
// To retrieve an object’s id you need to "bypass" the proxy by getting the "original" object. (This works for Arrays `[]` and Objects `{}`)
const pageId = pdf.getOriginal(pdf.tree.Root.Pages.Kids)[0].id
const streamId = pdf.getOriginal(pdf.tree.Root.Pages.Kids[0]).Contents.id
// OR
const pageId = pdf.tree.Root.Pages.Kids[Symbol.for('original')][0].id
const streamId = pdf.tree.Root.Pages.Kids[0][Symbol.for('original')].Contents.id
// To get all page objects:
for (const page of pdf.getPages()) {
// or the first (or "n - 1"th page)
pdf.getPage(0) // first page
pdf.getPage(3) // fourth page
get/modify stream contents
Example: move all text up a bit on the first page (not very reliable but
const { PDF } = require('pdf-lang')
const pdf = new PDF('file.pdf')
const streamId = pdf.tree.Root.Pages.Kids[0][Symbol.for('original')].Contents.id
let contents = pdf.getStream(streamId).toString() // decodes the stream if it is Flate encoded
contents = contents.replace(/-?[0-9.]+\s+-?[0-9.]+(?=\s+Tm)/g, (m) => {
m = m.split(/\s+/).map(n => +n)
m[1] += 3
return m.join(' ')
// leave the Filter as it is (e.g. FlateDecode or None)
// and replace existing stream object by providing the old id
pdf.createStream(contents, {}, streamId)
// OR
// enforce deflating data
pdf.createStream(contents, { Filter: Symbol.for('FlateDecode') }, streamId)
create file from scratch
This might not be very sensible, but it is (somewhat) possible
const { PDF, mm2pt } = require('pdf-lang')
const pdf = new PDF()
const A4 = [0, 0, mm2pt(210), mm2pt(297)]
const blueBox = pdf.createStream(
'2.835 0 0 2.835 0 0 cm q 1 w 0 0 1 RG 10 10 190 277 re S Q',
{ Filter: Symbol.for('FlateDecode') }
Type: Symbol.for('Page'),
Parent: pdf.getOriginal(pdf.tree.Root).Pages, // to get the "reference-only" object
MediaBox: A4,
Contents: blueBox
// OR (more convenient)
MediaBox: A4, // optional with addPage(); defaults to A4
Contents: blueBox
pdf.tree.Info.Title = 'Blue Box'
potential flaws
- doesn’t decode or encode any other stream types than "Flate"
- doesn’t parse content streams (yet)
- doesn’t handle encrypted files
- loads complete file into memory
- can create files that are not valid PDFs