A minimal implementation of Google Protocol Buffers for JavaScript
Protocol Buffers for JavaScript
This is a minimal implementation of Google Protocol Buffers for JavaScript and TypeScript. It generates completely self-contained code without any dependencies. Install it using npm:
npm install pbjs
Unlike other JavaScript implementations, this library doesn't write out default values. This makes it possible to tell if a field has been written at all or not, which allows for efficient encoding of maps. For example, it's possible to distinguish between a missing list and a list that is present but empty.
Command-Line Examples
Generate ES5 JavaScript:
pbjs wire-format.proto --es5 wire-format.js
See test.proto.es5.js for an example of the generated code.
Generate ES6 JavaScript:
pbjs wire-format.proto --es6 wire-format.js
See test.proto.es6.js for an example of the generated code.
Generate TypeScript:
pbjs wire-format.proto --ts wire-format.ts
See test.proto.ts for an example of the generated code.
Convert to JSON:
pbjs wire-format.proto --decode MessageType < wire-format.bin > wire-format.json
Convert to Binary:
pbjs wire-format.proto --encode MessageType < wire-format.json > wire-format.bin
API Example
const pbjs = require('pbjs');
const schema = pbjs.parseSchema(`
message Demo {
optional int32 x = 1;
optional float y = 2;
const buffer = schema.encodeDemo({x: 1, y: 2});
const message = schema.decodeDemo(buffer);
Running the above code should output this:
<Buffer 08 01 15 00 00 00 40>
{ x: 1, y: 2 }