Unofficial promise-based object-oriented PayPal API v2 SDK for node.js
npm install paypal-v2-sdk
To write an app using this unofficial PayPal SDK (for v2 api)
- Register for a Developer account and get your
from the PayPal Developer Portal - Install
(ensure dependency is in your package.json) - Import
in your file
import { PayPal } from "paypal-v2-sdk";
- Configure your PayPal instance (last param, true = sandbox, false = live)
PayPal.configure("YOUR CLIENT ID", "YOUR CLIENT SECRET", true);
- Authenticate your connection (you only need to do this once)
try {
await PayPal.authenticate();
} catch (e) {
console.error(e); // error while authenticating
Using Types
Using types is completely optional as all methods return the correct type and wherever a type is required as an argument, you can use the callback method which will return the correct type.
Explicit Definition of Return Types
Option 1
import { PayPal, Invoicing } from "paypal-v2-sdk";
import Invoice = Invoicing.Invoice;
const invoice: Invoice = await PayPal.getInvoicing().get("id of invoice");
Option 2
import { PayPal, Invoicing } from "paypal-v2-sdk";
const invoice: Invoicing.Invoice = await PayPal.getInvoicing().get("id of invoice");
This is not necessary, because
import { PayPal } from "paypal-v2-sdk";
const invoice = await PayPal.getInvoicing().get("id of invoice");
// ^^^^^^^^^
// The #get() method returns Invoice as a type
Explicit Definition of Argument Types
Creating object instances
import { PayPal, Invoicing } from "paypal-v2-sdk";
import Invoice = Invoicing.Invoice;
const draftInvoice = new Invoice().setPayPal(PayPal).<methods>;
const returnedInvoice = draftInvoice.createDraft();
import { PayPal, Invoicing } from "paypal-v2-sdk";
const draftInvoice = new Invoicing.Invoice().<methods>;
const returnedInvoice = await PayPal.getInvoicing().createDraft(draftInvoice);
Using callback methods
import { PayPal } from "paypal-v2-sdk";
const returnedInvoice = await PayPal.getInvoicing().createDraft((invoice) => invoice.<methods>);
- Getting an invoice Returns instance of Invoice
import { PayPal, Invoicing } from "paypal-v2-sdk";
import Invoice = Invoicing.Invoice;
// Specifying Invoice as the type is not necessary as #get() returns Invoice as the type, it
// is displayed here for information purposes only, but this is how to import types
const invoice: Invoice = await PayPal.getInvoicing().get("id of invoice");
- Getting an invoice and then deleting it
import { PayPal, Invoicing } from "paypal-v2-sdk";
import Invoice = Invoicing.Invoice;
const invoice: Invoice = await PayPal.getInvoicing().get("id of invoice");
const deleted = await invoice.delete();
console.log(deleted); // true if deleted, false if not
- Creating an invoice object and then creating a draft invoice on PayPal (fetches next invoice number for you)
import { PayPal, Invoicing } from "paypal-v2-sdk";
import Invoice = Invoicing.Invoice;
let invoice: Invoice = new Invoice(PayPal)
(recipient) => recipient.setEmailAddress("[email protected]"),
(recipient) => recipient.setEmailAddress("[email protected]")
.setConfiguration((configuration) =>
.setPartialPayment((partialPayment) =>
.setMinimumAmountDue((money) => money.setCurrencyCode("USD").setValue("10.00"))
.setDetail((invoiceDetail) =>
.setMemo("some memo")
.setNote("some note")
.setPaymentTerm((paymentTerm) => paymentTerm.setTermType("NET_45"))
.setInvoicer((invoicer) =>
.setEmailAddress("[email protected]")
.setAdditionalNotes("some additional notes")
(phone) => phone.setCountryCode("44").setNationalNumber("123456"),
(phone) => phone.setCountryCode("44").setNationalNumber("345678")
(item) =>
.setItemDescription("some description")
.setItemName("some name")
.setItemUnitAmount((money) => money.setCurrencyCode("USD").setValue("20.00"))
.setItemTax((tax) => tax.setPercent("10").setName("Processing Fee"))
.setItemUnitOfMeasure((unitOfMeasure) => unitOfMeasure.QUANTITY),
(item) =>
.setItemDescription("another description")
.setItemName("another name")
.setItemUnitAmount((money) => money.setCurrencyCode("USD").setValue("10.00"))
.setItemTax((tax) => tax.setPercent("10").setName("Processing Fee"))
.setItemUnitOfMeasure((unitOfMeasure) => unitOfMeasure.QUANTITY)
.setPrimaryRecipients((recipient) =>
.setBillingInfo((billingInfo) => billingInfo.setEmailAddress("[email protected]").setLanguage("en_US"))
.setShippingInfo((contactInfo) =>
.setAddress((address) =>
.setAddressDetails((addressDetails) =>
.setBuildingName("some building")
.setStreetName("some street")
.setStreetType("some street type")
.setSubBuilding("some sub building")
.setAddressLine1("some address line 1")
.setAddressLine2("some address line 2")
.setAddressLine3("some address line 3")
.setAdminArea1("some area 1")
.setBusinessName("some business name")
.setName((name) =>
.setFullName("some full name")
.setGivenName("some given name")
.setSurname("some surname")
.setMiddleName("some middle name")
.setPrefix("some prefix")
.setSuffix("some suffix")
.setSurname("some surname")
invoice = await invoice.createDraft(/* Generate Next Invoice Number */ true);
try {
invoice = await invoice.send(
/*Additional Recipients*/ undefined,
/*Note*/ undefined,
/*Send to Invoicer*/ true,
/*Send to Recipient*/ true,
/*Subject*/ undefined
} catch (e) {
console.log(invoice.toJson()); // the updated invoice
- Getting the next invoice number & creating an invoice via an object
import { PayPal, Invoicing } from "paypal-v2-sdk";
import Invoice = Invoicing.Invoice;
let invoice: Invoice = Invoice.fromObject({
detail: {
invoice_number: "123",
reference: "deal-ref",
invoice_date: "2018-11-12",
currency_code: "USD",
note: "Thank you for your busin.0ess.",
term: "No refunds after 30 days.",
memo: "This is a long contract",
payment_term: {
term_type: "NET_10",
due_date: "2018-11-22",
invoicer: {
name: {
given_name: "David",
surname: "Larusso",
address: {
address_line_1: "1234 First Street",
address_line_2: "337673 Hillside Court",
admin_area_2: "Anytown",
admin_area_1: "CA",
postal_code: "98765",
country_code: "US",
email_address: "[email protected]",
phones: [
country_code: "001",
national_number: "4085551234",
phone_type: "MOBILE",
website: "",
tax_id: "ABcNkWSfb5ICTt73nD3QON1fnnpgNKBy- Jb5SeuGj185MNNw6g",
logo_url: "",
additional_notes: "2-4",
primary_recipients: [
billing_info: {
name: {
given_name: "Stephanie",
surname: "Meyers",
address: {
address_line_1: "1234 Main Street",
admin_area_2: "Anytown",
admin_area_1: "CA",
postal_code: "98765",
country_code: "US",
email_address: "[email protected]",
phones: [
country_code: "001",
national_number: "4884551234",
phone_type: "HOME",
additional_info_value: "add-info",
shipping_info: {
name: {
given_name: "Stephanie",
surname: "Meyers",
address: {
address_line_1: "1234 Main Street",
admin_area_2: "Anytown",
admin_area_1: "CA",
postal_code: "98765",
country_code: "US",
items: [
name: "Yoga Mat",
description: "Elastic mat to practice yoga.",
quantity: "1",
unit_amount: {
currency_code: "USD",
value: "50.00",
tax: {
name: "Sales Tax",
percent: "7.25",
discount: {
percent: "5",
unit_of_measure: "QUANTITY",
name: "Yoga t-shirt",
quantity: "1",
unit_amount: {
currency_code: "USD",
value: "10.00",
tax: {
name: "Sales Tax",
percent: "7.25",
discount: {
amount: {
currency_code: "USD",
value: "5.00",
unit_of_measure: "QUANTITY",
configuration: {
partial_payment: {
allow_partial_payment: true,
minimum_amount_due: {
currency_code: "USD",
value: "20.00",
allow_tip: true,
tax_calculated_after_discount: true,
tax_inclusive: false,
template_id: "TEMP-19V05281TU309413B",
amount: {
breakdown: {
custom: {
label: "Packing Charges",
amount: {
currency_code: "USD",
value: "10.00",
shipping: {
amount: {
currency_code: "USD",
value: "10.00",
tax: {
name: "Sales Tax",
percent: "7.25",
discount: {
invoice_discount: {
percent: "5",
invoice = await invoice.createDraft(
/*Generate Next Invoice Number*/ true
try {
// Re-assign invoice as #send() updates the Invoice object from PayPal
invoice = await invoice.send(
/*Additional Recipients*/ undefined,
/*Note*/ undefined,
/*Send to Invoicer*/ true,
/*Send to Recipient*/ true,
/*Subject*/ undefined
} catch (e) {
// invoice failed to send, outputs statusText from API
console.log(invoice); // contains all updated details for the invoice
has a built-in Event Emitter.
You can output debug messages:
PayPal.on("debug", (str) => { console.debug(str) } );