plugin for Payload CMS, which enables bidirectional relationships
plugin for Payload CMS, which enables bidirectional relationships
:boom: :boom: :boom: works :100: with PayloadCMS version :two: and :three: :boom: :boom: :boom:
:bangbang: currently only works with MongoDB :bangbang:
You are currently in the v3 branch!
What this is for
- You have collections that are referencing each other in a bidirectional MxN way.
- Those relationships have properties on their own, but you don't want them to have their own collection - instead you would like those properties to be embedded within the relationship field and synchronized between both related collections.
Example use case
- Collection A: Projects (e.g. Open Source Projects)
- Collection B: Persons (e.g. Developers)
- Relation between A and B: Participation (i.e.: persons could participate in some way in a project - projects have participants)
- Each relation (participation) has meta data (e.g. type of participation: contributor, moderator, core, owner, guest, etc.)
- you want those information to be embedded in both collections and automatically synced (no third collection for the relation)
How the plugin works
- you define the relationships
- this gives you the two anchors
- you place those anchors at the desired place in the collections
- you add the plugin to your payload config with those relationships as parameters
- the plugin handles automatically all synchronization hooks
pnpm add [email protected]
Be aware to install only that version of this plugin which is compatible with the PayloadCMS version you are using! So if you are using PayloadCMS v2, there should be a '-v2' at the end instead of a '-v3' and vice versa. In the future, when this plugin becomes stable, there will be 2.x.x and 3.x.x versions.
define relationships
import {biDirectionalRelationship} from 'payload-bidirectional-relationships-plugin'
export const relationAB = biDirectionalRelationship({
vertexA: {
anchor: 'collectionA.listA.fieldA',
// Options for the ArrayField 'listA'
listOptions: {
label: 'Relations to a document of Type B',
labels: {
singular: 'Relation to a document of Type B',
plural: 'Relations to a document of Type B'
// Options for the RelationshipField 'fieldA'
fieldOptions: {
label: 'Reference to a document of Type B'
vertexB: {
anchor: 'collectionB.listB.fieldB',
listOptions: {
label: 'Relations to a document of Type A',
labels: {
singular: 'Relation to a document of Type A',
plural: 'Relations to a document of Type A'
fieldOptions: {
label: 'Reference to a document of Type A'
array of fields that will be display beneath each relation field;
each field is "part" of the relationship and describes it
relationMeta: [
name: 'relationMeta',
type: 'text'
add anchors to the collection configs at the desired place:
import {CollectionConfig} from 'payload/types'
import {relationAB} from './relationships'
export const CollectionA: CollectionConfig = {
slug: 'collectionA',
labels: {
singular: 'Document of Type A',
plural: 'Documents of Type A',
admin: {
useAsTitle: 'name',
fields: [
name: 'name',
type: 'text'
export const CollectionB: CollectionConfig = {
slug: 'collectionB',
labels: {
singular: 'Document of Type B',
plural: 'Documents of Type B',
admin: {
useAsTitle: 'name',
fields: [
name: 'name',
type: 'text'
add hooks by using the plugin and referencing all relationships:
import {buildConfig} from 'payload/config'
import {relationAB, /*...*/} from './relationships'
export default buildConfig({
plugins: [
biDirectionalRelationships([relationAB /*, ...*/])
Possible future features
- possibilty to define sync and deletion rules
- allow for 1x1 relationships (without ArrayField)
- allow for polydirectional relationships (more than two anchors)
What is planned in the near future
- when Payload v3 becomes stable: release of 2.0.0 (stable) and 3.0.0 (stable)
- maybe a PR for the payload monorepo?