JavaScript library for finding best matching route given a path
A simple router that supports the following types of paths:
# Install latest version of path-based-router
# and save changes to package.json
npm install path-based-router --save
// some assertion library (such as the one provided by NodeJS)
var assert = require('assert');
// Create instance of router
var router = require('path-based-router').create({
routes: [
// simple String paths
// :carId is a placeholder
// simple path
// :truckId is a placeholder
// "**" matches any characters (including forward slashes)
// so it will typically appear at the end of the path
// If you want to attach metadata to route use object with "path" property
// "path" is a required property
path: '/boats/:boatId',
// Anything else is extra...
anyExtraInformation: 'something'
// You can also add routes after creation
// You can also add routes after creation
path: '/some/thing/else'
var match = router.findRoute('/boats/123');
// match is not null then match was found
if (match) {
// match will contain "route" which is an instance of Route.
// match will also contain "params" which is an object that
// contains values that were found for each placeholder.
// A Route has a "path" property and any extra metadata.
var route = match.route;
var params = match.params;
// this assertion will be true
assert(params.boatId === '123');
// this assertion will be true
assert(route.anyExtraInformation === 'something');
// toString() will return the original path with no placeholder substitution
assert(route.toString() === '/boats/:boatId');
// toString(params) will return the path with placeholders substituted
// (NOTE: placeholders that did not have a value will be replaced with
// empty string)
assert(route.toString(params) === '/boats/123');
var searchMatch = router.findRoute('/search/abc/123');
// wildcard (**) search parameter values are keyed by their index
assert(searchMatch.params[0] === 'abc/123');
Alternative constructor:
var Router = require('path-based-router').Router;
var router = new Router();