Patch Maker is a PATCH submission parser builder/dsl for mongo-backed resources.
Patch Maker
Rapidly build HTTP PATCH endpoints for you mongo-backed restful resources.
Getting Started
Install Patch Maker:
npm install patch-maker --save
Patch Maker is a PATCH submission parser builder/dsl. It allows you to quickly and concisely describe a mutable mongo-backed restful resource.
Build a Parser (with the help of the 'accurized' module):
{ field } = require 'accurize'
{ patch } = require 'patch-maker'
app.patch '/types', (req, res, next) ->
parser = patch.parser ->
@prop 'types', ->
@oper 'set', (types, pass, fail) ->
return fail 'Types must be a list of strings.' unless is_array types
return fail 'Types cannot be empty.' if is_empty types
for type in types
return fail 'Each type must be a string' unless is_string type
return fail 'A type cannot be empty.' if is_empty type
Type(req).find(name: $in: types).all (actual) ->
return fail 'Unrecognized type(s) specified.' unless types.length is actual.length
pass types
@oper 'add', (types, pass, fail) ->
for type in types
return fail 'A type cannot be empty.' if is_empty type
Type(req).find(name: $in: types).all (actual) ->
return fail 'Unrecognized type(s) specified.' unless types.length is actual.length
pass types
@oper 'rem', (types, pass, fail) ->
if is_empty difference(grant.types, types)
return fail 'The update must leave the grant with at least one type.'
pass types
updates.parse req.body,
(updates) ->
Grant(req).find_and_modify _id: id_for(grant), [['_id','asc']], updates, new: true, (grant) ->
res.json Grant.grant_for(grant, res)
(errors) ->
res.json 400, { errors }
Parse a Patch:
= require 'patch-maker'
parser =
In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality.
Release History
(Nothing yet)