Single signon functionality using passport
Multi-domain single signon functionality using passport. This module is still in development, but is at a stage where is can be effective.
This module is not to be used for authentication. Instead, it is to be used by an authentication module/project to initialize all providers/strategies used by passport. For example, say I have a project that has many passport strategies stored in a database and I want passport to use them for authentication. I would gather all of those strategy records and send them to PassportSSO.init(). Passport will then have access to those strategies by each record's 'name' property. (see below for an example)
I have created project that implements this for Sails.js. See sails-hook-sso for more information.
Getting started
- ) Install PassportSSO
npm install passport-sso
2.) Install the passport-local package
npm install passport-local --save
3.) Install the passport-http-bearer package
npm install passport-http-bearer --save
4.) Install the passport-google-oauth package
npm install passport-google-oauth --save
5.) Initialize SSO with hosts that your app supports and login provider details
function bearerCallback(req, token) {
return console.log('The user has tried to authenticate with a bearer token');
function localCallback(req, id, pw) {
return console.log('The user has tried to authenticate with a local username and password');
var sso = require('passport-sso'),
hosts = ['localhost', ''],
providers = [{
name : 'bearer-strategy-1',
provider : 'bearer',
protocol : 'bearer',
strategyObject : 'Strategy',
strategyPackage : 'passport-http-bearer',
clientID : 'false',
clientSecret : 'false',
scope : [],
fields : null,
urlCallback : 'http://localhost/user/auth/bearer-strategy-1/callback'
}, {
name : 'local-strategy-1',
provider : 'local',
protocol : 'local',
strategyObject : 'Strategy',
strategyPackage : 'passport-local',
clientID : 'false',
clientSecret : 'false',
scope : [],
fields : null,
urlCallback : 'http://localhost/user/auth/local-strategy-1/callback'
}, {
name : 'google-strategy-1',
provider : 'google',
protocol : 'oauth2',
strategyObject : 'Strategy',
strategyPackage : 'passport-google-oauth',
scope : ['email', 'profile'],
fields : null,
urlCallback : 'http://localhost/user/auth/google-strategy-1/callback'
sso.init(hosts, providers, {
authorize: bearerCallback,
login : localCallback
6.) Call PassportSSO.authenticate() in a controller to authenticate with one of the strategies that you initialized in the previous step. PassportSSO is simply a wrapper function for passport's native authenticate() method.
module.exports.UserController = {
auth: function(req, res) {
sso.authenticate('local-strategy-1', {}, req, res, function(err, user) {
to be continued....