Convert the YNAB tsv export files to an easy-to-use data structure
This module will help you convert YNAB's register and budget tsv files to an easy to use data structure.
npm install -g parse-ynab-export
import { parse } from "parse-ynab-export";
// This data is the same format as you get from the 2 files in the YNAB export zip
const budgetData = `"Month" "Category Group/Category" "Category Group" "Category" "Budgeted" "Activity" "Available"
"Jun 2019" "Essential Expenses: Groceries" "Essential Expenses" "🍲 Groceries" €144,36 -€197,44 €0,00
"Jul 2019" "Essential Expenses: 🍲 Groceries" "Essential Expenses" "🍲 Groceries" €150,00 -€11,51 €138,49`;
const registerData = `"Account" "Flag" "Date" "Payee" "Category Group/Category" "Category Group" "Category" "Memo" "Outflow" "Inflow" "Cleared"
"💵 Checking" "" "02/07/2019" "Hetzner" "Software Subscriptions: Hetzner" "Software Subscriptions" "Hetzner" "" kr 30,00 kr 0,00 "Uncleared"
"💵 Checking" "" "22/06/2019" "Spotify" "Software Subscriptions: Spotify" "Software Subscriptions" "Spotify" "Split (1/2) " kr 84,50 kr 0,00 "Uncleared"
"💵 Checking" "" "22/06/2019" "Transfer : Splitwise Papa" "" "" "" "Split (2/2) Spotify" kr 84,50 kr 0,00 "Uncleared"
"💰 Buffer" "" "27/02/2019" "Transfer : 💵 Checking" "" "" "" "Transfer to buffer from checking" kr 0,00 kr 1234,44 "Reconciled"`;
parse(budgetData, registerData);
This returns an object of type YnabData. (see below for info on the types)
Object {
budget: (2) […], // All the budget lines (for each year/month and category)
register: (3) […], // All the transaction lines
accounts: (2) […], // All the accounts used in the transaction (register) lines
registerByAccount: {…}, // Register lines grouped by account. (key = account name, value = RegisterLine[])
categoryHierarchy: Map(2), // A hierarchy of the category groups and categories (key = category group name, value = array of category names)
categories: (3) […],
categoryGroups: (2) […]
YnabData interface
interface YnabData {
budget: BudgetLine[];
register: RegisterLine[];
accounts: string[];
registerByAccount: { [key: string]: RegisterLine[] };
categoryHierarchy: Map<string, Set<string>>;
categories: string[];
categoryGroups: string[];
Budget lines
interface BudgetLine {
month: moment.Moment;
categoryAndGroup: string;
categoryGroup: string;
category: string;
budgeted: number;
activity: number;
available: number;
Register lines
The register lines are split up in to 3 interfaces.
- Regular transaction
- A transfer from 1 account to an other
- A split, when a transaction is split up into multiple categories
These splits are bundled up into 1 "split" line with a property "splits" that contains the corresponding split lines.
See register line interfaces here.