Used to send Parse Server password reset and email verification emails though Mailgun
Used to send Parse Server password reset and email verification emails though Mailgun
How to use
var fs = require('fs'); //required if loading html from file!
var server = ParseServer({
emailAdapter: {
module: 'parse-server-mailgun-adapter-template',
options: {
// The address that your emails come from
fromAddress: '[email protected]',
// Your domain from
domain: '',
// Your API key from
apiKey: 'key-0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv',
// Verification email subject
verificationSubject: 'Please verify your e-mail for %appname%',
// Verification email body
verificationBody: 'Hi,\n\nYou are being asked to confirm the e-mail address %email% with %appname%\n\nClick here to confirm it:\n%link%',
//OPTIONAL (will send HTML version of email):
verificationBodyHTML: fs.readFileSync("./verificationBody.html", "utf8") || null,
// Password reset email subject
passwordResetSubject: 'Password Reset Request for %appname%',
// Password reset email body
passwordResetBody: 'Hi,\n\nYou requested a password reset for %appname%.\n\nClick here to reset it:\n%link%',
//OPTIONAL (will send HTML version of email):
passwordResetBodyHTML: "<!DOCTYPE html><html xmlns=>........"
HTML Emails
Require fs
and provide verificationBodyHTML
or passwordResetBodyHTML
as a string
of fs
object. The email will be sent out as HTML. You still need to include the default text as a fallback.
Customize the e-mail sent to your users when they reset their password or when we verify their email address. The following variables will be automatically filled in with their appropriate values:
the user's display name
the user's email address
your application's display name
the link the user must click to perform the requested action