A Parse Platform REST API utility and query builder for the Parse Platform SDK for Node - Simplify and enhance your queries with ease using this powerful query builder, leveraging the Parse Platform REST API.
A Parse Platform REST API utility and query builder for the Parse Platform SDK for Node. Simplify and enhance your queries with ease using this powerful query builder, leveraging the Parse Platform REST API.
npm install parse-query-node
const ParseQuery = require('parse-query-node');
// Example initialization
const query = new ParseQuery(
// Example usage
.where('fieldName', '>', 10)
.then(results => {
.catch(error => {
ParseQuery Documentation
The ParseQuery provides a convenient way to construct queries for Parse Server.
Initializes a new ParseQuery object with the specified Parse Server configuration parameters.
const ParseQuery = require('parse-query-node');
// Initialize ParseQuery with required parameters
const query = new ParseQuery(
- applicationId: Your Parse application ID.
- masterKey: Your Parse master key (optional).
- restApiKey: Your Parse REST API key.
- parseServerUrl: URL of your Parse Server.
- parseServerVersion:Version of your Parse Server.
Basic Querying
Create a Table Reference
Specifies the Table Name to query.
Basic Where Conditions
Adds basic equality and comparison conditions to the query.
query.where('fieldName', '=', 'value')
.where('otherField', 10)
.where([['field1', '>', 10], ['field2', '=', 'value']]);
Include Related Fields
Includes related fields in the query result.
query.with('relatedField1', 'relatedField2');
Advanced Querying
Joining with Pointer
Adds a condition to join with a Pointer field.
query.whereJoinKey('foreignkeyname', 'foreignkeyValue', 'ForeignTableName');
In Query
Adds a condition to check if a field matches any value in a subquery.
query.whereJoinInQuery('foreignkeyname', [
['score', '>', 90],
['level', '=', 'advanced'],
], 'ForeignTableName');
Not In Query
Adds a condition to check if a field does not match any value in a subquery.
query.whereJoinNotInQuery('foreignkeyname', [
['score', '>', 90],
['level', '=', 'advanced'],
], 'ForeignTableName');
Related To
Adds a condition to retrieve objects related to a specific parent object.
For example :
Imagine you have a Post class and User class, where each Post can be liked by many users. If the Users that liked a Post were stored in a Relation on the post under the key “likes”, you can find the users that liked a particular post by:
//query.whereRelatedTo('Post', '1', 'likes');
query.whereRelatedTo('ForeignTableName', 'ForeignTableObjectId', 'foreignkeyname');
Where In
Adds a condition to check if a field matches any value in a given array.
query.whereIn('field', [1,3,5,7,9]);
Where Not In
Adds a condition to check if a field does not match any value in a given array.
query.whereNotIn('field', [1,3,5,7,9]);
Where Exists
Adds a condition to check if a field exists.
Where Not Exists
Adds a condition to check if a field does not exist.
Where Contains All
Adds a condition to check if a field contains all specified values.
query.whereContainsAll('field', [2,3,4]);
Where Contains
Adds a condition to check if a field contains a specific value.
query.whereContains('field', 2);
Where Full Text Search (Requires Parse-Server 2.5.0+)
Adds a condition for full-text search on a field.
query.whereFullText('fieldName', 'searchTerm');
Data Manipulation
Insert Data
Inserts data into the specified Table.
query.insert({name: 'Alice', age: 30 });
{ name: 'Alice', age: 30, city: 'San Francisco' },
{ name: 'Bob', age: 28, city: 'Los Angeles' },
Update Data
Updates data in the specified Table for a specific object.
query.update('objectId', { key: 'updatedValue' });
Delete Data
Deletes data from the specified Table for a specific object.
Delete Field
Deletes a specific field from an object in the specified Table.
query.deleteField('objectId', 'fieldName');
Add to Array
Adds values to an array field in an object.
query.addToArray('objectId', 'fieldName', ['value1', 'value2']);
Add Unique to Array
Adds unique values to an array field in an object.
query.addUniqueToArray('objectId', 'fieldName', ['value1', 'value2']);
Remove From Array
Removes values from an array field in an object.
query.removeFromArray('objectId', 'fieldName', ['value1', 'value2']);
Additional Operations
Distinct (Requires Parse-Server 2.7.0+)
Retrieves distinct values for specified fields.
query.distinct('field1', 'field2');
Aggregate (Requires Parse-Server 2.7.0+)
Performs aggregation using a specified pipeline.
const exmaplePipeline = [
$match: {
field1: { $exists: true },
field2: { $gte: 0 },
$group: {
_id: '$groupField',
count: { $sum: 1 },
Count Records
Counts the number of records that match the query.
First Record
Retrieves the first record that matches the query.
Get All Records
Retrieves all records that match the query.
Find Record by ObjectId
Retrieves a specific record by its object ID.
Ordering and Limiting
Order By
Orders the query result by a specified field in ascending order.
query.orderBy('fieldName', 'asc');
query.orderBy('fieldName', 'desc');
Order By Descending
Orders the query result by specified fields in descending order.
query.orderByDesc('field1', 'field2');
Order By Ascending
Orders the query result by specified fields in ascending order.
query.orderByAsc('field1', 'field2');
Limit Results
Limits the number of results returned by the query.
Skip Results
Skips a specified number of results in the query result set.
Field Selection
Select Fields
Selects specific fields to be included in the query result.'field1', 'field2');
Except Fields
Excludes specific fields from the query result.
query.except('field1', 'field2');
This package is open-source and available under the MIT License.
Issues and Contributions
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue on the GitHub repository: Link to GitHub Repository
Contributions and pull requests are welcome!