The Parity Reactive Bond-based UI Library
A small library to provide oo7 (Joint Asynchronous Mapping Expression System)
-based Reactive components for Ethereum and Parity.
The reactive components provided are:
(an identicon image for a given account);AccountLabel
(a full Semantic UI label for a given account);InlineAccount
(a simple display component for an account designed to flow in text);SigningButton
(a button which completes a message-signing operation when clicked and displays the progress to the user);SigningProgressLabel
(a full Semantic UI label for displaying the progress of a signing a message);TransactButton
(a button which posts a transaction when clicked and displays the progress to the user);TransactionProgressLabel
(a full Semantic UI label for displaying the progress of a transaction);BButton
(a Semantic UI derivedButton
that accepts Bonds for certain props);InputBond
(a Semantic UI derivedInput
component that accepts a Bond for its output);AddressInputBond
-like component for addresses);HashBond
-like component for 32 byte hashes);URLBond
-like component for URLs).
npm install parity-reactive-ui --save
// Assume React is already required.
var pru = require('parity-reactive-ui'),
InlineAccount = pru.InlineAccount,
oo7parity = require('oo7-parity'),
setupBonds = oo7parity.setupBonds;
// We assume parity has been polluted into the global namespace.
parity.bonds = setupBonds(parity.api);
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (<div>
Your current address is <InlineAccount address={} />.
There are two hacking environment available in this repo:
Before running the main command, this setup requires exposing the `public` directory as a local dapp:
`ln -s $PWD/public /path/to/parity/dapps/pruit`
`Restart parity` and head over to the PRUIT app. This environment is suitable to test any component that interact with the Parity DApp API
Go to `localhost:9999`
This environment is suitable to quick test any parity-reactive-ui components that does not directly interact with the Parity dapp API.
npm test
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.
Release History
- 0.1.2 Fix issue with Balance.
- 0.1.1 Initial release