Parallel XML to JSON converter for multi-gigabyte files
Parallel XML to JSON Converter
This Javascript module converts large XML files to JSON in parallel by extracting all the elements with a given tag and storing them in EMS shared memory with persistent storage.
Additional processing may be done with legacy sequential Node.js scripts, to which additional EMS-based parallelism can be added as needed.
Why Parallel Processing for XML?
Processing multi-gigabyte XML files suffers the dual challenges of slow serial processing and too large a memory footprint for garbage collected languages. EMS directly addresses both problems with parallel programming primitives and a unified API for synchronizing access to large amounts of shared data.
Shared-nothing parallel programming models like Hadoop are not applicable to processing a single XML file, and serial execution under-utilizes expensive disk bandwidth. This parallel XML parser benefits from harnessing both the computing capability of multiple cores and parallelism to mask file system latency.
Quick Start
This script will download the SwissProt database from the University of Washington, install the required NPM modules (EMS, xml2js, and parallel-xml2json), copy the included example into the current directory, and load the XML database using 4 processes.
curl | gunzip > SwissProt.xml
npm install ems xml2js parallel-xml2json
cp node_modules/parallel-xml2json/example.js ./
node example.js 4 SwissProt.xml Entry 100000
All the XML data tagged "Entry" are stored as JSON in EMS memory, then the program prints some of the contents to the console, first with a serial loop and then with a parallel loop.
Using 16 cores the program sustains throughput of 17-21MB/sec (totalling about 40MB/sec of I/O including both reading and writing). This rate corresponds to approximately 1GB/minute to process XML into usable JSON. Performance varies with the length and complexity of the XML data.
What This Package Does
The EMS memory region size is conservatively guesstimated on the XML file size, and may be as much as double the size of the XML file.
The following steps are carried out by every process:
- Open the XML file and create the shared EMS memory
- Read a block of the file at an offset based on the current shared loop index
- All the matching tags in the block are identified
- The xml2js NPM package parses the XML into JSON
- The JSON value is stored in the EMS array
When no XML records remain, a join is performed and the original function call returns. The program may continue to process data or immediately exit, in both cases the operating system flushes the EMS memory to the file at some later time.
It is important to node that the converter does not
maintain document ordering of the XML elements,
many users expect the document ordering
although this is not actually required in XML 1.0
To restore original input order it is possible to sort the
JSON records,
please contact us if you're interested in that capability.
Single-Function API / Example Program
var nProcs = parseInt(process.argv[2]);
var xmlFilename = process.argv[3];
var parXML2json = require('./parXML2json');
var ems = require('ems')(nProcs, false, 'fj');
// Parse XML file in parallel and return the EMS descriptor
// other programs use to map this EMS file into memory.
var emsParams = parXML2json.parseAll(
ems, // Global EMS object
nProcs, // Number of processes
xmlFilename, // XML input Filename
xmlFilename.replace('.xml', '.ems'), // EMS output filename
process.argv[4], // XML tag to create JSON object for
process.argv[5], // Maximum number of XML tag-data objects
2000000, // Largest filesystem read operation (in bytes)
10000); // Length of longest possible XML tag-data object
// Ordinary sequential loop to skip through some of the JSON records.
// All work is performed using only the master thread.
for(var idx = 0; idx < emsParams.nRecords; idx += Math.floor(emsParams.nRecords/3) ) {
console.log('serial readback: ', idx, XML2jsonEMS.readFF(idx) )
// An EMS fork-join parallel region performs this function
// once on every EMS worker process
ems.parallel( function() {
// Parallel loop, iterations are distributed across tasks.
// Static loop scheduling is used only to demonstrate each thread
// having one iteration.
ems.parForEach(0, ems.nThreads, function (idx) {
console.log('parallel readback', idx,;
process.exit(0); // Required to terminate other EMS processes
The return value of parXML2json.parseAll()
is an object:
readEMSDescr : <object>, // EMS descriptor used by future programs
nRecords : <integer>, // JSON elements are stored at indexes 0...nRecords-1
nBytesParsed : <integer> // Number of bytes inspected while parsing
Global XML2jsonEMS
Upon return, every process has the global variable XML2jsonEMS
defined with
an EMS object that may be used to access the JSON elements
This is required for per-process data persistence during serial regions,
without which all the required modules would need to be reloaded at each fork.
Function Parameters
- Global EMS object, used to manage parallelism in both the calling program and parse functionnProcs
- Number of processes. The system may be over-subscribed.xmlFilename
- XML input Filename.emsFilename
- EMS output filename.XMLtag
- Only XML records matching this tag are converted to JSON. This tag may appear at any level of the hierarchy.max # tags
- A conservative estimate of the number of XML records in the file.blockSize
- Decompose the file into blocks of this size (in bytes). This is the length of each file read operation.blockOverlap
- Because an XML record may span more than one block, blocks must overlap by the Length of longest possible XML tag-data object. If underflow occurs, the parser will immediately exit.
Future Work
- Accept a user defined function that generates an unique key from the XML record and storing the key-value pair in EMS.
- Sort results into original file order.
This software and documentation is made available under the BSD license. Other commercial and open source licenses are available.