API server - Redis cache for session
Monolithic Node Express Rest API
The full list of endpoints can be found on the generate API Doc
The functionality is divided by data entity on routes, controllers and models for example:
Scan routes will handle the scan routes incoming express connections checking the authorization, validating the request parameters get information from the Authorization token if need it then calling the controller.
Scan Controller will handle the business logic and maybe defer to other pp-nm-modules that have encapsulated functionality using Mongoose and Sequelize Models to connect to the database.
The mongoose and sql models to connect to the database pp-nm-database-models to hold here.
This API connect to three different sources of data
PostgreSQL to handle account and transactions related data
MongoDB to handle operational data like code, scans and tokens
Redis to add element to a queue handled by pp-queue
The connection is handled in database config and most off values come from .env files
Getting Started
This is instruction will help you get up running with the project on your local machine
You should install:
Node 10 to run the application
You can install separately or run docker in current repositories:
Use docker
Docker for run locally.
docker-compose up -d
Install manually
MongoDB It is 4.0.12 version
PostgreSQL We are running on 9.6
Redis we are using redis for bull (queue jobs)
Then you should init data: Use this repositories with dump and init scripts:
Before running a .env file needs to be present you can use .env.example as starting point
The authorization mechanism of the app will filter the request per domain, so need to update the roles table with the host where the API is going to be running, something like will do if you run the app on localhost port 4000: it will run automatically in pp-data.
Setup connection for pgAdmin in a docker:
host: host.docker.internal
db: pp_rc_current
user: pp_rc_user
password: bowerPass
For mac in docker use :
If you just want to reach a service on the host from within a docker container on Mac OS X you cannot use localhost or . Instead you have to use
To run the application you will need you to clone the repository and install the dependencies with:
make node_modules
Then you can start the app with
make run
for starting the API with a watcher for changes
The test for the API live on test folder and mostly run per API endpoint being more like integration test connecting to the database and sending request to a test API superserver
The framework are mocha, chai, sinon, nock and you can run them with
make test
Be careful that the test will pick up the .env configuration and interact with the MongoDB database set in there
If you want to see the API endpoints documentation locally run
make doc
And then open the docs/index.html
Some processes are documented here
Code styles
We enforce the code style rules with eslint
and the base rules set on @pantapasen/eslint-config
Git Workflow
We follow a simple git workflow with feature and bugfix branches and the JIRA code on branch and commits
For example:
git checkout -b feature/BOW-75-fix-login-bug
git commit -m "BOW-75 Fix the bug on user login."
where 75 - sprint number
We use jenkins manual deploy:Jenkins Full instruction you can find here: Link
Full instruction you can find here: Link
We use insomnia for test our endpoints:
and use this plugin to sync file for insomnia
and setup folder for sync to dev_tools