In-memory key/value store, with json file backup.
In-memory key/value store, with json file backup.
coded by leny
started at 02/02/14
This README is a literate coffeescript file, containing the documentation AND the code.
All the stores are stored in a private variable called _stores, the in-memory storage. :)
_stores = {}
FS = require "fs"
Path = require "path"
mkdirp = require "mkdirp"
module.exports = class Pandri
store = new Pandri( name [, path [, callback ] ] )
Create and return a pandri store object.
constructor: ( @name, @path = no, callback = no ) ->
Store the instance inside the in-memory storage.
@_content = {}
_stores[ @name ] = @
Return the name of the store, use to find it in in-memory storage.
Return the path
used for load()
and save()
The parameters path
and callback
, if present, are used to make a direct call to store.load()
@load @path, callback if @path
store.load( path [, callback ] )
Load a json file inside the store.
If the file doesn't exists, it will be create at the first call of
The path
is stored in store.path
The callback will receive two parameters : error
(if an error occures, unless it will be null
), and store
, the current store instance.
load: ( path, callback = no ) ->
@path = path ? @path
readOptions =
encoding: "utf-8"
FS.readFile @path, readOptions, ( err, rawContent ) =>
return callback and callback( err ) if err
@_content = JSON.parse rawContent
catch err
return callback and callback err
return callback and callback null, @
store.get( key )
Return the value associated to the key
in the store, or null
if it doesn't exists.
get: ( key ) ->
@_content[ key ] ? null
store.set( key, value )
Affect the value
to the key
in the store.
set: ( key, value ) ->
@_content[ key ] = value
store.remove( key )
Delete the key
from the store.
remove: ( key ) ->
delete @_content[ key ] [ path [, callback ] ] )
Store the data in the json path
. The path
is stored in store.path
. If no path are given, the path from store.path
is used.
The callback will receive two parameters : error
(if an error occures, unless it will be null
), and store
, the current store instance.
save: ( path = no, callback = no ) ->
callback = path if not callback and typeof path is "function"
@path = ( if typeof path is "string" then path else null ) ? @path
mkdirp Path.dirname( @path ), ( err ) =>
return callback and callback err if err
FS.writeFile @path, JSON.stringify( @_content ), ( err ) =>
return callback and callback err if err
callback and callback null, @
store.toJSON( [ beautify [, indentSize = 4 ] ] )
Return the (beautified or not) data of the store as json.
toJSON: ( beautify = no, indentSize = 4 ) ->
JSON.stringify @_content, no, ( if beautify then indentSize else no )
store = Pandri.get( name )
(static method) Retrieve a store from the memory. If no store is found, return a new one.
@get: ( name ) ->
_stores[ name ] ?= new Pandri name
Pandri.clear( name )
(static method) Remove a store from the memory. Note: only clear the object in the memory. The target file remains unchanged.
@clear: ( name ) ->
delete _stores[ name ]
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality.
Lint and test your code using Grunt.
The pandri lib is an unique file, the present
file, compiled in javascript
as a literate coffeescript file.
Release History
- 2014-02-02 : starting project
- 2014-02-03 : version 0.1.0
- Initial release
- 2014-02-04 : version 0.1.1
- Bugfixes
- 2014-02-04 : version 0.1.2
- Bugfixes
- 2014-02-04 : version 0.1.3
- Remove
property, saving at each call
- Bugfixes
- Remove
Copyright (c) 2014 Leny Licensed under the MIT license.