javascript object composition library
Javascript Object Composition library, combine constructors and create objects as needed.
Leverage Javascript's own unique feature - prototype
- but also forget about ever typing it again!
Favour composition over inheritance
With Paladin you can put together all your pieces into objects which you can create on-the-fly.
You can re-use your components and combine them together, cache them into functions if you intend to create multiple objects of the same type, or just create it on the fly, leveraging javascript's higher-order functions.
Say you have a Car
. All Cars have an Engine
, but not all Cars have a CDPlayer
With Paladin you can simply do:
var simpleCar = Paladin.compose([Car, Engine]);
then pass some states when you instantiate the car:
var toyota = simpleCar({ model: 'Toyota' });
As Paladin.compose
is returning a function you can even create a simpleCar by doing:
var ford = Paladin.compose([Car, Engine])({ model: 'Ford'});
is a Car, and the Engine methods have a common context!
Naturally an Engine can be mounted on a Plane
for example...
var boeing = Paladin.compose([Plane, Engine])({ model: '777' });
Now let's create a car with a CDPlayer, let's start it and rock our playlist:
var c = Paladin.compose([Car, Engine, CDPlayer])({ model: 'Ferrari Paladin' });
.addTrack('Cirith Ungol - Atom Smasher')
.addTrack('Manilla Road - Astronomica')
.addTrack('Warlord - Black Mass')
.addTrack('Salem\'s Wych - Betrayer of Kings')
States, init and modules
The copmosed function takes three optional parameters, states, init and modules.
The states object sets public members to the passed values. I.e. { name: 'joe' }
sets the public member name to joe.
With this you can attach functions as methods (see example below).
Init takes method names and arrays for parameters. I.e. { setName: ['joe'] }
calls the method setName
and passes the parameter 'joe'
Once you generated a composited function, you can create your objects by passing a states object, but you can also call the states method subsequently to the object creation. I.e.
var simpleCar = Paladin.compose([Car, Engine]);
var myCar = new simpleCar();
myCar.states({ model: 'My Car'});
You can also attach methods with states:
function Break() {
var myBreakingCar = new simpleCar({ skid: Break });
myBreakingCar.skid(); // eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkk!
Similarly to states, you can pass an object as the second argument which will call methods on the newly created object. The object structure is
{ methodName: [ArrayOfArguments] }
For example:
myCar.init({ start: [], setModel: ['Ferrari Paladin']});
Modules is interesting in two respects:
- it allows functions adopting the Module pattern to be attached to another function
- it namespaces the methods to avoid method collision/override
So let's take a look at an example to understand:
function CarTank() {
var capacity = 50,
current = 0;
return {
fill: function() {
current = 50; // tank is filled with fuel
consume: function() {
capacity -= 1;
if (current === 0) {
console.log('We\'re out of fuel!');
function OilTank() {
var capacity = 10,
current = 0;
return {
fill: function() {
current = 10; // oil tank is filled with fuel
consume: function() {
capacity -= 1;
Both modules have a fill method so we may have run into problems...
Using the modules method the fill()
method gets namespaced.
myCar.modules([CarTank, OilTank]);
// let's refill oil and fuel
Composing the Composite
As the result of a composition is a function, you can reuse that to further re-compose it.
var simpleCar = Paladin.compose([Car, Engine]);
var coolCar = Paladin.compose([simeplCar, CDPlayer]);
var DeLoreanTimeMachine = Paladin.compose([coolCar, TimeMachine]);
Complete Example
And finally a more complete example. A javascript summary of Moorcock's Stormbringer Saga... spoiler alert
* A javascript version of Moorcock's Stormbringer Saga
function Character () { = '';
function Sorcerer () {
this.cast = function(spell) {
console.log( + ' is casting ' + spell);
return this;
function Warrior () {
var weapon = '';
this.setWeapon = function (weaponObject) {
weapon = weaponObject;
return this;
this.getWeapon = function() {
return weapon;
// module pattern function
function skills() {
var skills = [],
skillsModule = {
addSkill: function(name) {
return skillsModule.addSkill;
getSkills: function() {
return skills;
return skillsModule;
function Sword() {
var name = '';
this.setName = function(weaponName) {
name = weaponName;
this.getName = function() {
return name;
function Demon() {
this.suckLife = function() {
console.log('I\'m sucking life out of my victim');
function battleCast() {
console.log( + ' is casting spells while wielding ' + this.getWeapon().getName() );
return this;
function destroyWorld() {
console.log('Blowing the Horn of Fate and destroying the world right now....');
// create a sword that's also a demon
var DemonSword = Paladin.compose([Sword, Demon]),
// Stormbringer is the coolest sword in the universe
Stormbringer = new DemonSword({}, { setName : ['Stormbringer']}),
// MournBlade is Stormbringer's twin blade
MournBlade = new DemonSword({}, { setName : ['MournBlade']});
// create the race of Melnibone'
var Melnibonean = Paladin.compose([Character, Sorcerer, Warrior]),
// create Elric, the anithero and attach the battleCast method alised as fight
Elric = new Melnibonean({name: 'Elric', fight: battleCast, destroy: destroyWorld },
// set Elric's weapon to Stormbringer
{ setWeapon: [Stormbringer] },
// add the skills module (namespaced to skills)
[ skills ]),
// Yrkoon is just lame but he happens to wield MournBlade
Yrkoon = new Melnibonean({name: 'Yrkoon'}, { setWeapon: [MournBlade] });
// let's test everything works as supposed
// this is cool because addSkill returns addSkill so you can chain brackets
// until - of course - Elric destroys the world...
Elric.skills.addSkill('Summon Arioch')('Be and Albino Prince')('Destroy World');
// and let's print it out
console.log('Elric has the following skills: ' + Elric.skills.getSkills().join(', '));