A super simple front-end router

:page_facing_up: A simple router for the browser in Javascript. It works with RegExp and Paths:
pagex(path, [negate], callback, [pathname]);
// Call a function if the current page is exactly `/users`
pagex('/users', () => {
// ...
// Execute only if the current page is exactly `/books`
if (pagex('/books')) {
// ...
Due to the API that it has, it's also highly compatible with React (though purely accidentally):
// Basic routing in React
export default () => (
{pagex('/', () => <Homepage />)}
{pagex('/books', () => <Library />)}
{pagex('/books/:id', id => <Book id={id} />)}
pagex(path, [callback = (...a) => a], [negate = false], [url = window.location.pathname]);
: the path or regex to be matched against the current url. This is the only required parameter and it has to be the first one.callback = (...args) => args
(optional): the function that will be called if the path matches (or if it doesn't and it's negated). Any value returned here will be the final value returned bypagex()
. The default function will return an array if matched, with any matched parameter inside. So it's always truthy when it's matched so you can doif (pagex('/hello')) {...}
.negate = false
(optional): set to true to call the function if NOT in this path. Really useful for the difficulty to do so otherwise in RegExp.url = window.location.pathname
(optional): the url path to compare it against. Will default to the current browser pathname if it's not provided.
Note: the callback
, negate
and url
can be in any order since they are of different type. The path
always has to be the first argument though.
Pseudo Example
If you have a large javascript codebase, you can split it the following way:
// Logic for all your pages. For example, analytics
// Logic specific for your /users page and subpages
pagex('/users', function(){
// ...
// Logic specific for your /books page and subpages
pagex('/books', function(){
// ...
A simple front-end router based on express.js router, which is based on path-to-regexp:
pagex('/hi', function(){
alert('Hi there!');
You can get the url parameters easily:
pagex('/users/:username', function(username){
alert('Hi there ' + username + '!');
Make them optional:
// Note: ES6 default parameter shown here
pagex('/users/:username?', function(username = 'everyone'){
alert('Hi there ' + username + '!');
Originally the main way of doing this was with pure regex (that's why it's called pagex, from Page + Regex). However, the main way now is with paths that get converted internally to regex. If you want to use regex you can do so:
// Starts by a string
pagex(/^\/user/, function(){
console.log("User section loaded");
// When NOT in this page, since negating in regex is complex:
pagex(/^\/user/, true, function(){
console.log("User index");
// Strict page
pagex(/^\/user$/, function(){
console.log("User index");
// Parameters from capturing groups, with required id
pagex(/^\/user\/([A-Za-z0-9]+)/, function(id){
console.log("Hello user " + id + "!");
// Parameters from capturing groups, with optional id
pagex(/^\/user\/?([A-Za-z0-9]+)?/, function(id){
console.log("Are you there, user " + id + "?");