plugin to publish flows, interactions and run contract tests locally
plugin to publish flows, interactions & run contract tests locally
const pf = require('pactum-flow-plugin');
const { reporter } = require('pactum');
// global before block
before(() => {
pf.config.url = '<pactum-flow-server-url>';
pf.config.projectId = '<unique-project-id>';
pf.config.projectName = '<unique-project-name>';
pf.config.version = '<unique-project-version>';
pf.config.username = '<username>';
pf.config.password = '<password>';
// global after block
after(async () => {
await reporter.end();
| option | type | description | others |
| url
| string | pactum flow server url | required (if publish is true
) |
| projectId
| string | unique project id | required (if publish is true
) |
| projectName
| string | unique project name | required (if publish is true
) |
| version
| string | unique project version | required (if publish is true
) |
| token
| string | auth token | required (if publish is true
) |
| username
| string | scanner username | required (if token is empty
) |
| password
| string | scanner password | required (if token is empty
) |
| batchSize
| number | pactum flow server url | defaults to 10
| publish
| boolean | enable publishing contracts | defaults to true
| dir
| boolean | save contracts in fs | defaults to false
| dir
| string | save contracts in custom path | defaults to .pactum/contracts/
| checkQualityGate
| boolean | check quality gate | defaults to false
| checkQualityGateLocal
| boolean | check quality gate locally without publishing | defaults to false
| checkQualityGateTimeout
| number | check quality gate timeout | defaults to 10000
ms |
| checkQualityGateEnvironments
| string | check quality gate against the given envs | defaults to all envs |
| checkQualityGateDefaultDelay
| number | default delay to wait for processing analysis | defaults to 2000
ms |
| jUnitReporter
| boolean | enable jUnit reporter | defaults to false |
| jUnitReporterPath
| string | junit reporter path | defaults to contract-tests