Transform basic packet classes containing fields into more advanced packet classes with read/write capabilities. Simplifies the process of making and modifying packets.
packet-transformer is a package for transforming basic data structures to have read/write capabilities.
This package was created for working with packets in the game Brawlhalla.
It can be adapted for any game or system and is incredibly useful for defining file formats as data structures.
You can install packet-transformer through the command line using npm
or yarn
npm install packet-transformer
This project requires ttypescript to work.
This can be installed as a drop-in replacement for typescript, replacing tsc
with ttsc
. Check their repo for more information.
Once ttsc is installed, add the plugin to your tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"plugins": [
"transform": "./node_modules/packet-transformer/dist/index.js",
"type": "raw"
Once properly setup you can import types and Packet from packet-transformer and create your own packets.
Below is an example packet; HelloPacket
import {
} from "packet-transformer";
export class HelloPacket extends Packet {
email: string = ""; // The value here is a default for if read is never called.
pwHash: string = ""; // A method read() will be generated that reads all this data from a buffer.
username: string = "";
ticket: vector<byte, cuint> = [];
userId: string = "";
platform: byte = -1;
This class we be transformed at build time to contain two methods: HelloPacket
<static> read a packet from a buffer, a custom buffer implementation is needed which supports the following functions:
- readBits
- readByte
- readBytes
- readUInt16
- readUInt32
- readInt16
- readInt32
- readCompressedUInt
- readCompressedInt
- read3bitCompressedUInt
- read3bitCompressedInt
- readUTFString
- readBoolean
- readFloat
packet.write(buffer): void
write a packet to a buffer, a custom buffer implementation is needed which supports the following functions:
- writeBits
- writeByte
- writeBytes
- writeUInt16
- writeUInt32
- writeInt16
- writeInt32
- writeCompressedUInt
- writeCompressedInt
- write3bitCompressedUInt
- write3bitCompressedInt
- writeUTFString
- writeBoolean
- writeFloat
The following details what types are available and what method it corresponds to, as well as some example transformations.
Please note in all examples the read method is there as an example. Please omit this when writing code.
It supports some primitive types as well as some custom types.
This package supports reading two primitive types; string, and boolean.
export class TestPacket extends Packet {
attr: string = "";
attr2: boolean = false;
// Roughly gets compiled to
static read(buffer) {
this.attr = buffer.readUTFString();
this.attr2 = buffer.readBoolean();
type byte
Read as a single byte. Internally represented by a number.
export class TestPacket extends Packet {
attr: byte = -1;
// Roughly gets compiled to
static read(buffer) {
this.attr = buffer.readByte();
type int16
&& type uint16
Read as a 2 byte int (signed or unsigned respectively). Internally represented by a number.
export class TestPacket extends Packet {
attr: int16 = -1;
attr2: uint16 = -1;
// Roughly gets compiled to
static read(buffer) {
this.attr = buffer.readInt16();
this.attr2 = buffer.readUInt16();
type int32
&& type uint32
Read as a 4 byte int (signed or unsigned respectively). Internally represented by a number.
export class TestPacket extends Packet {
attr: int32 = -1;
attr2: uint32 = -1;
// Roughly gets compiled to
static read(buffer) {
this.attr = buffer.readInt32();
this.attr2 = buffer.readUInt32();
type float
Read as a 4 byte floating point number. Represented internally as a number.
export class TestPacket extends Packet {
attr: float = -1;
// Roughly gets compiled to
static read(buffer) {
this.attr = buffer.readFloat();
type cint
&& type cuint
'Compressed' int (the name just stuck).
4 bits representing size followed by the actual data:let size = this.readBits(4); size = (size + 1) << 1; return this.readBits(size);
export class TestPacket extends Packet {
attr: cint = -1;
attr2: cuint = -1;
// Roughly gets compiled to
static read(buffer) {
this.attr = buffer.readCompressedInt();
this.attr2 = buffer.readCompressedUInt();
type cint3
&& type cuint3
'Compressed' 3bit size int.
Same as cint but with 3 bits for size instead of 4.
export class TestPacket extends Packet {
attr: cint3 = -1;
attr2: cuint3 = -1;
// Roughly gets compiled to
static read(buffer) {
this.attr = buffer.read3bitCompressedInt();
this.attr2 = buffer.read3bitCompressedUInt();
type nbits<type>
Read a specific number of bits, must be a constant. Internally represented by a number.
export class TestPacket extends Packet {
attr: nbits<4> = -1;
// Roughly gets compiled to
static read(buffer) {
this.attr = buffer.readBits(4);
type vector<type, lengthType>
Read a list of one type.
LengthType can be a constant, another type or a string constant which references an attribute of the packet.
Vector types can be nested.
export class TestPacket extends Packet {
attr: vector<int32, 4> = [];
attrNested: vector<vector<int32, 4>, 4> = [];
attrLength: vector<int32, uint16> = [];
lengthField: uint16 = -1;
attrField: vector<int32, "lengthField"> = [];
// Roughly gets compiled to
static read(buffer) {
// Read 4 int32s
var vectorValues = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
vectorValues[i] = buffer.readInt32();
this.attr = vectorValues;
// Nested too long to show
// Length as uint16
var vectorValues2 = [];
var vectorLength2 = buffer.readUInt16();
for (var i = 0; i < vectorLength2; i++) {
vectorValues2[i] = buffer.readInt32();
this.attrLength = vectorValues2;
this.lengthField = buffer.readUInt16();
// Length is lengthField
var vectorValues3 = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.lengthField; i++) {
vectorValues3[i] = buffer.readInt32();
this.attrField = vectorValues3;
type custom<type>
Use another data structure as a type. Represented by the class it's reading.
export class SubTestPacket extends DataStructure {
otherField: uint32 = -1;
// Roughly compiled to
static read(buffer) {
this.otherField = buffer.readUInt32();
export class TestPacket extends Packet {
field: uint32 = -1;
subData: custom<SubTestPacket> = new SubTestPacket();
// Roughly compiled to
static read(buffer) {
this.field = buffer.readUInt32();
this.subData =;
Interested in contributing to packet-transformer?
Contributions are welcome, and are accepted via pull requests. Please review these guidelines before submitting any pull requests.
Installing dependencies:
npm install
npm run build
Due to its nature this project does not have any automated testing.
A test project can be found in example/
and built using
npm run test
All code in this repository is licensed under GPL-3.0.