Validate packages inconsistencies to protect your production environments from unexpected dependencies versions
Validate packages inconsistenciesinconsistencies to protect your production environments from unexpected dependencies versions.
Prevent common situations (mainly when working on a dev team):
- Dev sometimes includes open wide version ranges on package.json, that later will be installed a most recent on your build/production environment and break your project
- Some devs on team uses npm to install packages while others uses yarn, causing a lock file inconsistency, probably breaking your build/production environment with messages like "Your project contains lock files generated by tools other than Yarn"
- Versions being updated on package.json file, without calling a
ornpm install
after that, to replicate that version to lock file
Default rules:
- Disallow to have a versions range (ex: ^1.0.4 or 1.0.x) other than specific version (ex: 1.0.4) on package dependencies
- Disallow to have package-lock.json and yarn.lock at same time
- Disallow to have different hashed versions on package.json and yarn.lock file
Other rules could be added, suggest it on the issues.
Install globally:
yarn global add package-locks-checks
npm install -g package-locks-checks
Or run with npx:
npx package-locks-checks
To force check with all default validator just run
This will validate all rules and return success if everything is ok.
. . .
To check on a different folder you can run
package-locks-checks --basePath './api'
Param Default Description
-pm, --packageManager <npm,yarn,pnpm> yarn Select packageManager
-p, --basePath <path> ./ Base path to load package files
-f, --packageFile <filename> ./package.json Full path to package.json file
-r, --allowRange <boolean> false Allow to have a range (ex: 1 or 1.x or ^1.0.4) other than specific version (ex: 1.0 or 1.0.4) on package dependencies
-mlf, --allowMultipleLockFiles <boolean> false Allow to have package-lock.json and yarn.lock at same time', false)
-uyl, --allowUnmatchedYarnLock <boolean> false Allow to have different hashed versions on package.json and yarn.lock file', false)
Exit codes
0 = No errors
1 = Errors were founds in the package-lock.json files
2 = Folder or package.json was not found
To be implemented
- Detect "preferred" package manager, to validate npm issues as well
- Validate package-lock.json with package.lock versions
- Use hasLockfile to validate multiple lock files
- Auto publish package on npm when merging do main
- Update exit codes with 2 other than 1 when folder missing
- Check for yarn.lock before integrity yarn check, pnpm-lock.yaml with pnpm, and so
Related links
- Lockfiles should be committed on all projects
- About semantic versioning
- Semantic Versioning 2.0.0
- yarn install --frozen-lockfile should be the default behavior
Problems? Ideas?
MIT © Tiago Gouvêa