Library for serial port and p5.js
This repository is part of the p5-serial project, created in 2015 at New York University's Interactive Telecommunications Program by Shawn van Every, Jen Kagan, and Tom Igoe. For more info please visit the repository at https://github.com/p5-serial/p5.serial.github.io/
p5.serialport is a p5.js library that enables communication between your p5.js sketch and Arduino microcontroller (or another serial enabled device).
What does it do?
p5.serialport more or less clones the Processing Serial Library API. As JavaScript in a browser can not interact directly with a serial port, this library solves this.
p5.serialport comes in two flavors; one is a simple app, this is good for all skill levels and is the easiest to use; another one is Node.js based WebSocket server, this is for more skilled advanced users or someone who needs heavy customization.
p5.serial App
To begin download and run a release of p5.serialcontrol, available at https://github.com/p5-serial/p5.serialcontrol/releases. This application incorporates p5.serialserver in a GUI application for MacOS and Windows.
Once you have the application launched load one of the examples in your browser to see it in action.
- You'll likely have to change the name of the serial port in the examples to the one your Arduino is using.
p5.serial Node.js
To Use:
Connect an Arduino or other serial device to your computuer.
Clone or download this repo and install the dependencies with: npm install
and start the server with: node startserver.js
Alternatively, you can install the server globally via npm with sudo npm install -g p5.serialserver
and then run it with p5serial
or locally with npm install p5.serialserver
and run it from the node_modules directory with node startserver.js
Then load one of the examples in your browser to see it in action.
- You'll likely have to change the name of the serial port in the examples to the one your Arduino is using.
Getting Started
After running either the p5.serialcontrol application or p5.serialserver, you need to include the client side library in your html file. You can download the p5.serialport.js client library available at https://github.com/p5-serial/p5.serialport/blob/main/lib/p5.serialport.js and include this as a script tag as below:
<script src="p5.serialport.js">
or, you can use a CDN link available via jsdelivr, where you have to replace VERSION with the one you want to use:
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/p5.serialserver@VERSION/lib/p5.serialport.js"></script>
API available at ./docs/
Examples available at ./examples/
Basic Example
let serial;
function setup() {
// Instantiate our SerialPort object
serial = new p5.SerialPort();
// Let's list the ports available
let portlist = serial.list();
// Assuming our Arduino is connected, let's open the connection to it
// Change this to the name of your arduino's serial port
// Register some callbacks
// When we connect to the underlying server
serial.on('connected', serverConnected);
// When we get a list of serial ports that are available
serial.on('list', gotList);
// When we some data from the serial port
serial.on('data', gotData);
// When or if we get an error
serial.on('error', gotError);
// When our serial port is opened and ready for read/write
serial.on('open', gotOpen);
// We are connected and ready to go
function serverConnected() {
print('We are connected!');
// Got the list of ports
function gotList(thelist) {
// theList is an array of their names
for (let i = 0; i < thelist.length; i++) {
// Display in the console
print(i + ' ' + thelist[i]);
// Connected to our serial device
function gotOpen() {
print('Serial Port is open!');
// Ut oh, here is an error, let's log it
function gotError(theerror) {
// There is data available to work with from the serial port
function gotData() {
let currentString = serial.readStringUntil('\r\n');
// Methods available
// serial.read() returns a single byte of data (first in the buffer)
// serial.readChar() returns a single char 'A', 'a'
// serial.readBytes() returns all of the data available as an array of bytes
// serial.readBytesUntil('\n') returns all of the data available until a '\n' (line break) is encountered
// serial.readString() retunrs all of the data available as a string
// serial.readStringUntil('\n') returns all of the data available as a tring until a (line break) is encountered
// serial.last() returns the last byte of data from the buffer
// serial.lastChar() returns the last byte of data from the buffer as a char
// serial.clear() clears the underlying serial buffer
// serial.available() returns the number of bytes available in the buffer
function draw() {
// Polling method
if (serial.available() > 0) {
let data = serial.read();
To generate documentation, install jsdoc (npm install -g jsdoc
) and run
npm run doc