[![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] # ozone-typescript-client
is a typescript module that manage connection and communication to ozone v3 API.
State machine
export interface OzoneClient extends StateMachine<ClientState> {
/* Get the client config */
readonly config: ClientConfiguration
/* Get the current Authentication if available */
readonly authInfo?: AuthInfo
/* Get the last failed login call if any */
readonly lastFailedLogin?: Response<AuthInfo>
Convenience props for getting the status of the client.
readonly isAuthenticated: boolean
readonly isConnected: boolean
Start the client. To be called once
start(): Promise<void>
The array of filters to apply to all HTTP calls
BEFORE this OzoneClient's own internal filters.
This array can be modified at any time to add/remove filters
readonly preFilters: InstalledFilter[]
The array of filters to apply to all HTTP calls
AFTER this OzoneClient's own internal filters.
This array can be modified at any time to add/remove filters
readonly postFilters: InstalledFilter[]
Update the WS URL.
The client will attempt to connect automatically to the new URL.
updateWSURL(url: string): void
Update the Ozone credentials.
The client will attempt to login automatically.
updateCredentials(ozoneCredentials: OzoneCredentials): void
Stop the client. To be called once
stop(): Promise<void>
Perform a low-level call
All calls towards Ozone or other Microservices secured by Ozone should use those calls
callForResponse<T>(request: Request): Promise<Response<T>>
call<T>(request: Request): Promise<T>
Register a message listener.
@param messageType The type of message to register for
@param callBack The callBack that will be called
onMessage<M extends DeviceMessage>(messageType: string, callBack: (message: M) => void): ListenerRegistration
onAnyMessage(callBack: (message: DeviceMessage) => void): ListenerRegistration
Send a message
send(message: DeviceMessage): void
Get a client for working with items of the given type
itemClient<T extends Item>(typeIdentifier: string): ItemClient<T>
Get a ``lob`` for working with blob
blobClient(): BlobClient
Get a client for working with role
roleClient(): RoleClient
* get client to work with type
typeClient(): TypeClient
* get task client to wait manage task
taskClient(): TaskClient
* get client to work with permission
permissionClient(): PermissionClient
* get client to work with permission
importExportClient(): ImportExportClient
* file file type client
fileTypeClient(): FileTypeClient
Insert the current Ozone session ID in the given URL ("/dsid=...).
This call throws an error if there is no session available.
The given string may or may not contain the host part.
Example input strings :
insertSessionIdInURL(url: string): string
Initialization example:
import { OzoneClient } from 'ozone-typescript-client'
import UserCredentials = OzoneClient.UserCredentials
import OzoneCredentials = OzoneClient.OzoneCredentials
import ClientConfiguration = OzoneClient.ClientConfiguration
import newOzoneClient = OzoneClient.newOzoneClient
let client: OzoneClient.OzoneClient
async function init() {
const credentials = new UserCredentials('ozoneUser', 'ozonePassword')
const config: ClientConfiguration = {
ozoneURL: `http://my.ozone.domain/ozone`,
ozoneCredentials: credentials
client = newOzoneClient(config)
await client.start()
Using API client example:
import { OzoneClient } from 'ozone-typescript-client'
import { Video, toPatch } from 'ozone-type'
declare function getClient(): OzoneClient.OzoneClient
const videoClient = getClient().itemClient<Video>('video')
const myOriginalVideo = await videoClient.findOne('uuid-yyyy-zzz')
const videoToUpdate = toPatch(myOriginalVideo)
videoToUpdate.name = 'a new name'
const updatedVideo = await videoClient.save(videoToUpdate)
login application example
import { OzoneClient } from 'ozone-typescript-client'
import UserCredentials = OzoneClient.UserCredentials
import ClientStates = OzoneClient.states
import { getDefaultClient } from 'ozone-default-client'
import once from 'ozone-components-utils/once'
export class PageLoginDefault extends Polymer.Element {
/* ... */
ready(): void {
const defaultClient = getDefaultClient()
defaultClient.onEnterState(ClientStates.STOPPED,() => {
this.set('isConnected', false)
defaultClient.onEnterState(ClientStates.AUTHENTICATED,() => {
this.set('isConnected', true)
if (defaultClient.authInfo) {
this.set('isConnected', true) // client is already logged
public async submitForm(e: Event): Promise<void> {
/* ... */
const updateMessagesOnError = once(() => {
this.set('isConnected', false)
const err = defaultClient.lastFailedLogin
if (err && err.status === 400) {
this.set('errorMessage', this.localized.msgEmptyCredentials)
} else if (err && err.status === 403) {
this.set('errorMessage', this.localized.msgInvalidCredentials)
} else {
this.set('errorMessage', this.localized.msgUnknownError)
const defaultClient = getDefaultClient()
defaultClient.onEnterState(ClientStates.AUTHENTICATION_ERROR, updateMessagesOnError)
const userCredentials: UserCredentials = new UserCredentials(this.username, this.password)
try {
// start if needed
await defaultClient.start()
} catch (err) {
// error are handle inside the client state machine
$ npm install --save ozone-typescript-client