JavaScript modules for Ozone
Ozone-components is a library of Polymer and JavaScript modules that should facilitate development of web front-end for Ozone. Elements are available in JavaScript and typeScript.
Elements are split in 4 categories:
- ozone-api: Provide low level interface to Ozone server.
- ozone-material: provide paper material design to display specific Ozone content. (Based on Polymer)
- ozone-helper: provide generic class helper.
- ozone-logic: provide helper class for Ozone operation.
See demo application demo.
- ozone-helper:
- ozone-type Declaration of Ozone type.
- ozone-config Expose Ozone API configuration. Configuration is loaded from
. - ozone-search-helper Helper for Ozone search queries.
- taktik-polymer-typescript Module providing development facilities for Ozone Polymer and TypeScript modules.
- ozone-api-request
is a light wrapper overXMLHttpRequest
to manager AJAX request to Ozone.
- ozone-api:
- ozone-api-type
is low level Polymer module to Ozone type. It provide read operation on collection type. - ozone-api-authentication Low level wrapper around Ozone login, logout and authentication API.
- ozone-api-upload
is a JavaScript class that can be use as anXMLHttpRequest
to upload media using Ozone v2 upload channel. - ozone-api-edit-video ES6 module written in TypeScript to save selected video chunks.
- ozone-api-item Low level ES6 module to Ozone API. It provide CRUD operation and search in a given collection.
- ozone-api-type
- ozone-logic
- ozone-collection Generic Polymer
to manage collection of Ozone items. - ozone-iron-list Implementation of an
to display an Ozone search result with lazy loading. - ozone-media-url Helper to convert Ozone id to media preview.
- ozone-collection Generic Polymer
- ozone-material
- ozone-video-player WebComponent that play video from Ozone.
- ozone-free-text-search WebComponent that play video from Ozone.
- ozone-upload Configurable WebComponent to upload files on Ozone. Based on
. - ozone-item-preview Webcomponent based on Polymer to preview an Ozone item.
- ozone-item-edit This package contains several WebComponents based on Polymer to edit an Ozone item.
- ozone-mosaic Webcomponent to display mosaic of Ozone preview.
Get started
This project contains a set of npm library that can be installed individually. There are aimed to be builded with webpack. See the demo project for webpack configuration example.
Any contribution and comment are welcomed.
Do not hesitate to report issues and ask questions in previously reported issues.
You are also more than welcomed to suggest fixes through pull requests.
A Lerna project
are centralized in a Lerna repo. Please refer to Lerna documentation for generic usage such as project import, dependency installation or project bootstraping.
Set up
$ npm install
$ npm run bower
$ npm run bootstrap
Viewing demo Application
$ npm run demo
Open a browser in http://localhost:9000
Running Tests
$ npm run test
Generate documentation
$ npm run doc