browser/Node JS package for creating OWOP bots
OWOP bot lib
OWOP - Our World Of Pixels
docs are not fully finished
Client extends EventEmitter Node.js
const OWOPBotLib = require("owop-bot-lib"); // { Client, utils, gameSettings, WebSocket, Buffer (buffer package), createClient }
const bot = new OWOPBotLib.Client();
bot.on("join", console.log) // logs id
OPM (the library is not published on opm yet)
const { createClient } = OPM.require("owop-bot-lib"); // Client
const bot = createClient();
bot.on("join", console.log) // logs id
you can also import owop-bot-lib using es modules
import { createClient } from "owop-bot-lib";
possible Client.options
teleport (buggy)
if enabled accepts teleport from server
ignores permissions stops checking can send message can set pixel
and all other options from Client.defaultOptions
static defaultOptions
Default options which will be deep copied and set to ClientInstance.options
const Client = OPM.require("owop-bot-lib").Client;
console.log(Client.defaultOptions) /*{
wsUrl: "wss://ourworldofpixels.com", // address it connects to
captchaSiteKey: "6LcgvScUAAAAAARUXtwrM8MP0A0N70z4DHNJh-KI", // not used
autoMakeSocket: true, // should connect to websocket after instance created
autoConnectWorld: true, // should connect to world after it gets 3rd captcha state
wsOptions: {
origin: "https://ourworldofpixels.com"
protocol: 1, // 0 - bop it OWOP 1 - original owop and my latest OWOP server
worldName: "main",
worldVerification: gameSettings.misc.worldVerification // world verification code default 25565
// Client.options.wsOptions doesn't works on browser
makes socket TO-DO example with proxies or something
messageHandler(message: websocketMessageEvent)
if someone needs it exists
sendMessage(message: string) => boolean
Sends message to chat
bot.sendMessage("BOB"); // true
bot.once("message", console.log); //this.player.id: BOB
join(worldName: string = "main") => this
joins world TO-DO example
leave() => this
disconnects websocket
playerUpdate(x: number = this.player.x, y: number = this.player.y, color: anyTypeOfArray = this.player.color, toolId: number = this.player.toolId) => this
Sends move, colorUpdate, toolUpdate in one packet
// you can do
bot.playerUpdate(123, 123, [53, 123, 43]);
// 1 packet(faster)
// instead of
bot.move(123, 123);
bot.setColor([53, 123, 43]);
bot.setTool(gameSettings.toolsIds["cursor"] /* 0 */)
// 3 packets(slower)
move(x: number, y: number) => this
moves bot example in player update
setColor(color: anyTypeOfArray = this.player.color) => this
example in player update
setTool(toolId: number = this.player.toolId) => this
example in player update
pasteChunk(chunkX: number = this.player.chunkX, chunkY: number = this.player.chunkY, data: Uint8Array = new Uint8ClampedArray(chunkSize * chunkSize * 3))
setPixel(x: number = this.player.x, y: number = this.player.y, color: ArrayLike = this.player.color, wolfMove: boolean, sneaky: boolean, move: boolean = this.player.rank < 3) => this
Sets pixel on x y with color TO-DO explain what is wolfMove, sneaky, move
procetChunk(chunkX: number = this.player.chunkX, chunkY: number = this.player.chunkY, newState: boolean) => this
protects chunk required rank 2
client.protectChunk(10, 12, true);
setChunkRGB(chunkX: number = this.player.chunkX, chunkY: number = this.player.chunkY, color: ArrayLike = [255, 255, 255]) => this
sets chunk with color
async requestChunk(chunkX: number = this.player.chunkX, chunkY: number = this.player.chunkY) => Promise<Uint8Array>
Uint8Array is chunk\
you can request as much times as you want one chunk and it will ask the server only once for chunk
client.requestChunk(0, 0); // requestChunk always returns a Promise which resolves Uint8Array(chunkSize * chunkSize * 3) or error
async requestArea(chunkX1: number, chunkY1: number, chunkX2: number, chunkY2: number) => Promise<Array<Uint8Array>>
read requestChunk
async getPixel(x: number = this.player.x, y: number = this.player.y) => Promise
returns array with array [R, G, B]