A Slack bot that connects to Magic
What Is It
Lets you set up a Slack both that's connected to Magic (getmagicnow.com). Basically, a personal consiegier right inside Slack.
At ReadMe.io, our mascot Owlbert now takes care of all our needs! (Hence the name owlbot
EASY SETUP: Use readmeio/owlbot-example
Set up a new folder + git repo:
mkdir mybot && cd mybot
npm init
npm install owlbot --save
Create an index.js file, and edit it:
var owlbot = require('owlbot');
// The channel you want your bot to respond to requests in
// (Your bot will pass everything said in the channel to Magic)
channel: "#test-bot-channel",
// On your Integrations page in the Slack settings, do the following:
// 1. Click the "Bots" integration (Not "Slackbot"; that's different)
// 2. Fill out its username, and paste the API Token below
slack: {
token: "xoxb-###############-###########",
// 1. Buy a number here: https://www.twilio.com/user/account/phone-numbers/search
// 2. Copy the phone number and paste it below (format is "+1##########")
// 3. Set your SMS & MMS "Request URL" to the server this will be hosted on
// 4. Get your accountSid and authToken from here: https://www.twilio.com/user/account/settings
twilio: {
phoneNumber: "+1##########",
accountSid: "ABCDEFG",
authToken: "1234567",
// By default, we check if the Twilio request is real (and not someone messing with you)
// If things aren't working for some reason, though, turn this to true.
bypassTwilioValidate: false,
// The phone number for Magic (format: "+1##########")
magic: "+14082171721",
// The port you want to run this on (the process.env.PORT stuff makes it work on Heroku)
port: process.env.PORT || 3012,
That's it! Once you have your bot configured, you can just say stuff in the channel and it will be forwarded to Magic.
How It Works
When you pick a channel, anything said in the channel will be directed to Magic. Don't say anything in the channel that you don't want to go to Magic!
You may want to use your own personal phone number for the "magic" option in config.js until everything's configured.
When you have it all set up, just say "Hello" in the channel, and you'll get a welcome message from Magic.
Other Notes
This can both send and recieve images, so no need to worry about that!
It currently limits messages to 160 characters; I'm honestly not sure what would happen on Magic's side without the limit. If it turns out they can indeed get longer messages, I'll remove it.
Deploying to Heroku
Unfortunately, you'll need to deploy it publicly so Twilio can contact it.
You should be able to deploy to Heroku easily. You'll need to remove config.js
from .gitignore
, and check it in for things to work.