A simple dice notation parser.
Parses and composes dice notation, with support for exploding dice, rerolls, discarding lowest rolls, moving along a dice chain and simple arithmetic. Doesn't actually roll anything.
var Owlbear = require('owlbear');
myOwlbear = new Owlbear();
myOwlbear.parse('4d6k3'); // k: keep n of x in xdykn
count: 4,
chain: 0,
keep: 3,
die: {
sides: 6,
reroll: [],
explode: []
myOwlbear.parse('1d4R! + 5'); // R: reroll lowest (1), !: explode highest (4)
count: 1,
chain: 0,
keep: 1,
die: {
sides: 4,
reroll: [1],
explode: [4]
operator: '+'
constant: 5
// or just get super goofy.
// >: shift up dice chain, <: shift down.
// r: reroll listed, x: explode listed.
myOwlbear.parse(Math.PI + 'd10.5r6.2,6.3x10!>>>><');
count: Math.PI,
chain: 3,
keep: Math.PI,
die: {
sides: 10.5,
reroll: [6.2, 6.3],
explode: [10.5, 10]
// we can go backwards as well.
constant: 10
operator: '*'
count: 1,
chain: -1,
keep: 1,
die: {
sides: 4,
reroll: [1],
explode: []
]) == '10*1d4R<';
Owlbear objects
new Owlbear(options);
Creates a new owlbear.
Supported options:
- Supported operators. Defaults to [ '*', '/', '+', '-' ].
parse() method
Dice notation may include any of the supported operators (as above) between die specifications. Each specification may be either a numeric constant or a die. Dice are in the format:
(number of dice)d(sides on a die)R!r(comma-separated numbers)x(comma-separated numbers)k(number of dice to keep)><
- (number of dice) defaults to 1 if not present. May be floating point, must be non-negative.
- (sides on a die) May be floating point, must be non-negative.
- R indicates the lowest possible roll should be rerolled on this die.
- ! indicates the highest possible roll should 'explode' -- be rerolled and added in.
- r indicates the numbers afterward should be rerolled.
- x indicates the numbers afterward should 'explode'.
- k(number of dice to keep) indicates that only the highest n dice count.
- < and > indicate shifts along a dice chain.
parse() returns an array of objects as shown in the above examples.
compose() method
Returns a string of dice notation that will parse as the object provided.