A tiny modular Javascript utility library
| Overslash
is no longer maintained. Please, use @mobilabs/overslash now. |
| --- |
A tiny modular Javascript utility library
is an utility library as Underscore
and Lodash
. However, Overslash
doesn't pretend to compete with these honorable libraries. Overslash
implements only a small subset of the functions that can be found in these library.
ambition is quite different. Overslash
is modular. You can build a version with only the subset of the functions you need.
Then, you can embed it in your own library. So, you can ship your library without any external dependencies.
Method | Description
_.isUndefined(n) | Returns true if the variable n is undefined (else false),
_.isNull(n) | Returns true if the value of n is null,
_.isBoolean(n) | Returns true if the value of n is a boolean,
_.isString(n) | Returns true if the value of n is a string,
_.isNumber(n) | Returns true if the value of n is a number,
_.isNaN(n) | Returns true if the value of n is a NaN,
_.isOdd(n) | Returns true if the value of n is an odd number,
_.isObject(n) | Returns true if the variable n is an object,
_.isMath(n) | Returns true if the variable n is a Math object,
_.isDate(n) | Returns true if the variable n is a Date,
_.isArray(n) | Returns true if the variable n is an array,
_.isFunction(n) | Returns true if the variable n is a function,
_.isEmpty(n) | Returns true if the a given array, string or object is empty,
_.clone(o) | Clones (deep) a literal object or an array,
_.extend(o, s) | Extends a given object with all the properties in passed-in, object(s),
_.keys(o) | Retrieves all the names of the object's own enumerable properties,
_.forPropIn | Parses all the names of the object's own enumerable properties,
_.contains(arr, value) | Returns true if the array contains the passed-in value,
_.flatten(arr) | Flattens a nested array (the nesting can be to any depth),
_.max(arr) | Returns the maximum value in the array,
_.min(arr) | Returns the minimum value in the array,
_.share(arr) | Returns the list of the elements the passed-in arrays have in common,
_.token() | Returns a unique string pattern in base 36 ([0-9a-z]),
_.makeid() | Returns a unique string pattern with a predefined length,
_.csv2array(csv) | Converts an csv block to an array or arrays,
We assume here that _
is a reference to overslash
How to embed Overslash in your library
is included in a Javascript module pattern. It exports only the variable overslash
outside this module. Thus, you can safely embed Overslash
in your library without any risk to pollute your namespace.
module pattern looks like this:
(function(root, factory) {
'use strict';
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define([''], factory);
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
module.exports = factory();
} else {
// Browser globals.
root.overslash = factory();
}(this, function() {
'use strict';
var overslash = {
// ...
return overslash;
You just need to replace this
by the namespace of your library:
(function(root, factory) {
// ...
// Browser globals.
root.overslash = factory();
}(this, function() { // <--- replace this by your library namespace
// ...
You can now add a reference to Overslash
inside your library:
var myLibraryName = {};
// Embed Overslash and replace 'this' by 'myLibraryName':
// You can now access to Overslash:
var _ = myLibraryName.overslash;