Overshader is a simple library for building beatiful animations using WebGL Shaders. This package built with TypeScript so you can explore all available options right in your IDE.
Overshader is a simple library for building beatiful animations using WebGL Shaders. This package built with TypeScript so you can explore all available options right in your IDE.
- Responsive out of the box
- No external dependencies
- Fully typed
- Small size (gzip ~ 3 KB)
- Few lines of code - and your shader is rendering in a browser
- Load textures by url
- Builtin uniforms for time, resolution and textures
- Explore shaders demos at Demo Shaders
- Convenient and fast standalone development via Vite
yarn add overshader
Verify it is working
Just provide CSS selector for canvas container
import { runWebglProgram } from 'overshader';
canvasContainer: '.responsive-canvas-container',
And you should see the default shader rendered inside specified container:
Run your own shader
import { runWebglProgram } from 'overshader';
canvasContainer: '.responsive-canvas-container',
// provide source as raw string
fragmentShader: `precision highp float;
uniform vec2 u_resolution;
// OR load source via URL
fragmentShaderURL: 'path/to/fragment.glsl',
// specify textures to use
textures: ['/assets/textures/texture-font.png', '/assets/textures/texture-noise.png'],
// control opacity and other WebGLContextAttributes
contextAttributes: {
alpha: true,
premultipliedAlpha: false,
// randmoize time so every run looks different
initialTimeShift: Math.random() * 1e3 * 1,
// add event listeners to have u_mouse coordinates
listenForMouse: true,
// by default, devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio
devicePixelRatio: 1,
// react to first render
onFirstRender(controls) {
// e.g. update uniform
controls.setUniform1f('u_value', 1.2323);
// ...
Builtin uniforms
| Uniform | Type | Meaning | | ----------------------------- | --------- | - | | u_resolution | vec2 | Resolution of canvas in pixels | | u_time | float | Time elapsed since start | | u_mouse | vec2 | Coordinates of mouse | | u_texture_${index} | sampler2D | Texture by index from textures array | | u_texture_resolution_${index} | vec2 | Texture resolution in pixels |
Local development
git clone https://github.com/overshom/overshader.git
cd overshader
yarn dev