The package for measuring the element timing is more simple
npm i overlooker-element-timing
Adding the Overlooker Element Timing is a two-step process. First you need to add a snippet of code to the head of your document (before any other scripts run). This snippet creates a PerformanceObserver instance and starts observing element entry types.
if (!window.oet) {window.oet = [];}if (PerformanceObserver) {new PerformanceObserver(function (l) {window.oet.push.apply(window.oet, l.getEntries());}).observe({ entryTypes: ['element'] });}
Note: You can use something else instead of oet
, but you should put this string in the OverlookerElementTiming constructor as the first argument.
Second step is to import the module in your application and subscribe to it
import OverlookerElementTiming from 'overlooker-element-timing';
// you can put the name of the global variable that you used for store entries, in the first argument (default = 'oet')
const overlookerElementTiming = new OverlookerElementTiming();
overlookerElementTiming.observe((entry) => {
// entry object contains element timing data in readable form
// use it according to your need
}, true); // set to true, if you want to receive already handled entries;
// for getting already handled entries
overlookerElementTiming.getAll().forEach((entry) => {
// handle
Note: entry types.
If you want to use this script in embedded version (with script tag), you can put the ./dist/index.min.js anywhere and use it from global namespace
window.oet.observe(() => {
// ...