This is a animated overlay navbar created by @meabhisingh aka 6 pack programmer
Navbar component built with React.
click Here to try demo
npm install overlay-navbar
In order to use overlay-navbar, you have to install react-icons and react-router-dom
for react-icons npm install react-icons
for react-router-dom npm install react-router-dom
Step 1
In App.js,
import {BrowserRouter as Router} from "react-router-dom"
Wrap everything inside of <Router> </Router>
Step 2
import {ReactNavbar} from "overlay-navbar"
Step 3
add ReactNavbar Component in your file while passing appropriate props
<ReactNavbar />
| Parameter | Default | Description |
| ------------------------ | ---------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| burgerColor | "black"
| 'This is to change the color of burger menu button' |
| burgerColorHover | "burgerColor"
| "This is to change the color of burger menu button at the of hover " |
| navColor1 | "rgb(35, 35, 35)"
| "This is to set the color of first nav section |
| navColor2 | "navColor1"
| "This is to set the color of second nav section |
| navColor3 | "navColor2"
| "This is to set the color of third nav section |
| navColor4 | "navColor3"
| "This is to set the color of fourth nav section |
| logo | "no default value, **required**"
| "To set the Logo in Navbar" |
| logoWidth | "100px"
| "To set the width of Logo" |
| logoHeight | "unset"
| "To set the height of Logo" |
| logoHoverSize | "15px"
| "To set the drop-shadow blur at the time of hover" |
| logoHoverColor | "green"
| "To set the drop-shadow Color at the time of hover" |
| logoTransition | 0.5
| "To set Logo Transition" |
| logoAnimationTime | 1
| "To set Logo Animation time, 1 means 1second" |
| nav1FlexDirection | "row"
| "To set Flex Direction of first nav section" |
| nav2FlexDirection | "row"
| "To set Flex Direction of second nav section" |
| nav3FlexDirection | "row"
| "To set Flex Direction of third nav section" |
| nav4FlexDirection | "row"
| "To set Flex Direction of fourth nav section" |
| nav1alignItems | "center"
| "To set Align Item of first nav section" |
| nav2alignItems | "center"
| "To set Align Item of second nav section" |
| nav3alignItems | "center"
| "To set Align Item of third nav section" |
| nav4alignItems | "center"
| "To set Align Item of fourth nav section" |
| nav1justifyContent | "center"
| "To set Justify Content of first nav section" |
| nav2justifyContent | "center"
| "To set Justify Content of second nav section" |
| nav3justifyContent | "center"
| "To set Justify Content of third nav section" |
| nav4justifyContent | "center"
| "To set Justify Content of fourth nav section" |
| nav1Transition | 0.4
| "To set Transition of first nav section" |
| nav2Transition | nav1Transition + 0.4
| "To set Transition of second nav section" |
| nav3Transition | nav2Transition + 0.4
| "To set Transition of third nav section" |
| nav4Transition | nav3Transition + 0.4
| "To set Transition of fourth nav section" |
| link1Text | "Text 1"
| "To set the Text of first Link" |
| link2Text | "Text 2"
| "To set the Text of second Link" |
| link3Text | "Text 3"
| "To set the Text of third Link" |
| link4Text | "Text 4"
| "To set the Text of fourth Link" |
| link1Url | "/text1"
| "To set the Url of first Link" |
| link2Url | "/text2"
| "To set the Url of second Link" |
| link3Url | "/text3"
| "To set the Url of third Link" |
| link4Url | "/text4"
| "To set the Url of fourth Link" |
| link1Size | "1vmax"
| "To set the size of first Link Text" |
| link2Size | "link1Size"
| "To set the size of second Link Text" |
| link3Size | "link2Size"
| "To set the size of third Link Text" |
| link4Size | "link3Size"
| "To set the size of fourth Link Text" |
| link1Family | "Roboto"
| "To set the Family of first Link" |
| link2Family | "link1Family"
| "To set the Family of second Link" |
| link3Family | "link2Family"
| "To set the Family of third Link" |
| link4Family | "link3Family"
| "To set the Family of fourth Link" |
| link1Color | "black"
| "To set the Color of first Link" |
| link2Color | "link1Color "
| "To set the Color of second Link" |
| link3Color | "link2Color "
| "To set the Color of third Link" |
| link4Color | "link3Color "
| "To set the Color of fourth Link" |
| link1BackgroundColor | "unset"
| "To set the Background color of first Link" |
| link2BackgroundColor | "unset"
| "To set the Background color of second Link" |
| link3BackgroundColor | "unset"
| "To set the Background color of third Link" |
| link4BackgroundColor | "unset"
| "To set the Background color of fourth Link" |
| link1ColorHover | "link1Color"
| "To set the color of first Link at the time of Hover" |
| link2ColorHover | "link1ColorHover"
| "To set the color of second Link at the time of Hover" |
| link3ColorHover | "link2ColorHover "
| "To set the color of third Link at the time of Hover" |
| link4ColorHover | "link3ColorHover "
| "To set the color of fourth Link at the time of Hover" |
| link1Decoration | "none"
| "To set text decoration of first Link" |
| link2Decoration | "link1Decoration
| "To set text decoration of second Link" |
| link3Decoration | "link2Decoration"
| "To set text decoration of third Link" |
| link4Decoration | "link3Decoration"
| "To set text decoration of fourth Link" |
| link1Margin | "0"
| "To set margin of first Link" |
| link2Margin | "link1Margin "
| "To set margin of second Link" |
| link3Margin | "link2Margin "
| "To set margin of third Link" |
| link4Margin | "link3Margin "
| "To set margin of fourth Link" |
| link1Padding | "0"
| "To set padding of first Link" |
| link2Padding | "link1Padding"
| "To set padding of first Link" |
| link3Padding | "link2Padding"
| "To set padding of second Link" |
| link4Padding | "link3Padding "
| "To set padding of third Link" |
| link1Border | "none"
| "To set border of first Link" |
| link2Border | "link1Border"
| "To set border of second Link" |
| link3Border | "link2Border"
| "To set border of third Link" |
| link4Border | "link3Border"
| "To set border of fourth Link" |
| link1Transition | 0.5
| "To set transition of first Link" |
| link2Transition | link1Transition
| "To set transition of second Link" |
| link3Transition | link2Transition
| "To set transition of third Link" |
| link4Transition | link3Transition
| "To set transition of fourth Link" |
| link1AnimationTime | 1.5
| "To set Animation Time of first Link" |
| link2AnimationTime | link1AnimationTime
| "To set Animation Time of second Link" |
| link3AnimationTime | link2AnimationTime
| "To set Animation Time of third Link" |
| link4AnimationTime | link3AnimationTime
| "To set Animation Time of fourth Link" |
| searchIcon | true
| "To set Search Icon to true or false"
SearchIconElement| "no default value, **required**"
| "Pass Search Icon Here"
| cartIcon | true
| "To set Cart Icon to true or false" |
CartIconElement| "no default value, **required**"
| "Pass Cart Icon Here"
| profileIcon | true
| "To set Profile Icon to true or false"
ProfileIconElement| "no default value, **required**"
| "Pass Profile Icon Here" |
| searchIconMargin | "0"
| "To set Search Icon margin" |
| cartIconMargin | "0"
| "To set Cart Icon margin" |
| profileIconMargin | "0"
| "To set Profile Icon margin" |
| searchIconUrl | "/search"
| "To set Search Icon Url" |
| cartIconUrl | "/cart"
| "To set Cart Icon Url" |
| profileIconUrl | "/account"
| "To set Profile Icon Url" |
| searchIconSize | "2vmax"
| "To set the size of Search Icon" |
| cartIconSize | "2vmax"
| "To set the size of Cart Icon" |
| profileIconSize | "2.5vmax"
| "To set the size of profile Icon" |
| searchIconColor | "white"
| "To set the Color of Search Icon" |
| cartIconSize | "white"
| "To set the Color of Cart Icon" |
| profileIconColor | "white"
| "To set the Color of profile Icon" |
| searchIconColorHover | "searchIconColor"
| "To set the Color of Search Icon at the time of hover" |
| cartIconColorHover | "cartIconColor"
| "To set the Color of Cart Icon at the time of hover" |
| profileIconColorHover | "profileIconColor"
| "To set the Color of Profile Icon at the time of hover" |
| searchIconTransition | 0.5
| "To set the transition of Search Icon" |
| cartIconTransition | 0.5
| "To set the transition of Cart Icon" |
| profileIconTransition | 0.5
| "To set the transition of Profile Icon" |
| searchIconAnimationTime | 2
| "To set the Animation time of Search Icon" |
| cartIconAnimationTime | searchIconAnimationTime + 0.5
| "To set the Animation time of Cart Icon" |
| profileIconAnimationTime | cartIconAnimationTime + 0.5
| "To set the Animation time of profile Icon" |
Please Must Install react-router-dom and react-icons before using this Module
Created By @meabhisingh
My name is Abhishek Singh, a.k.a 6 pack programmer on YouTube.
Youtube - Click Here Instagram - Click Here
LinkedIn - Click