OverFast API Client is a TypeScript package that allows users to interact with the OverFast API, an unofficial API for Overwatch 2. It simplifies the process of fetching data about heroes, game modes, maps and player statistics from the OverFast API. It i
OverFast API Node Module
This package is a wrapper for the Overfast API by Valentin "TeKrop" PORCHET [https://overfast-api.tekrop.fr/].
npm i overfast-api-client
import { OverfastClient } from "overfast-api-client";
Retrieve information about Overwatch heroes, including their roles and abilities.
Fetch a list of all Overwatch heroes.
const overfast = new OverfastClient();
overfast.heroes.getHeroes().then((heroes) => {
Result is an array of objects with the following structure:
key: 'ana',
name: 'Ana',
portrait: 'https://d15f34w2p8l1cc.cloudfront.net/overwatch/3429c394716364bbef802180e9763d04812757c205e1b4568bc321772096ed86.png',
role: 'support'
Retrieve detailed information about a specific hero.
Hero localisation and abilities are available in the response.
const overfast = new OverfastClient();
overfast.heroes.getHero('ana').then((hero) => {
Result is an object with the following structure:
name: 'Ana',
description: 'One of the founding members of Overwatch, Ana uses her skills and expertise to defend her home and the people she cares for.',
portrait: 'https://d15f34w2p8l1cc.cloudfront.net/overwatch/3429c394716364bbef802180e9763d04812757c205e1b4568bc321772096ed86.png',
role: 'support',
location: 'Cairo, Egypt',
hitpoints: { armor: 0, health: 200, shields: 0, total: 200 },
abilities: [
name: 'Biotic Rifle',
description: 'Long-range rifle that heals allies and damages enemies. Hold to zoom in.',
icon: 'https://d15f34w2p8l1cc.cloudfront.net/overwatch/efe0ebb135e87dc26b60f0d20500dcd7553ad121ab2b10cd4ffb5db17be9c977.png',
video: [Object]
name: 'Sleep Dart',
description: 'Fires a dart that puts an enemy to sleep.',
icon: 'https://d15f34w2p8l1cc.cloudfront.net/overwatch/20707fd82265412fdc6d2353daa88ec7558cd71c89aa3ac6cf0e78bbbfcabd80.png',
video: [Object]
name: 'Biotic Grenade',
description: 'Throws a grenade that heals and increases healing on allies, while damaging and preventing healing on enemies.',
icon: 'https://d15f34w2p8l1cc.cloudfront.net/overwatch/c8190b234bf0a0e28eecffe162d0c942e6b8656e95f4688c6ca3b025fa5a487d.png',
video: [Object]
name: 'Nano Boost',
description: "Increases an ally's damage, while reducing damage taken.",
icon: 'https://d15f34w2p8l1cc.cloudfront.net/overwatch/6fda18b343f3fd0e8dc50fa5a91589e1ca9ed7471a354f61dfc9f22b27b19497.png',
video: [Object]
story: {
summary: 'A founding member of Overwatch and once renowned as the greatest sniper in the world, Ana Amari comes from a long line of decorated military veterans. Though she was thought to have perished in a firefight with Talon, Ana has rejoined the fray to protect her country, family, and closest allies.',
media: { type: 'video', link: 'https://youtu.be/yzFWIw7wV8Q' },
chapters: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ]
Get insights into the different roles available for heroes.
const overfast = new OverfastClient();
overfast.heroes.getRoles().then((roles) => {
Result is an array of objects with the following structure:
key: 'tank',
name: 'Tank',
icon: 'https://blz-contentstack-images.akamaized.net/v3/assets/blt2477dcaf4ebd440c/bltf0889daa1ef606db/6504cff74d2a764cb7973991/Tank.svg?format=webply&quality=90',
description: 'Tank heroes soak up damage and shatter fortified positions, like closely grouped enemies and narrow chokepoints. If you’re a tank, you lead the charge.'
Access details about maps and their associated game modes.
Explore the various maps available in Overwatch.
const overfast = new OverfastClient();
overfast.maps.getMaps().then((maps) => {
Result is an array of objects with the following structure:
name: 'King’s Row',
screenshot: 'https://overfast-api.tekrop.fr/static/maps/kings_row.jpg',
gamemodes: [ 'hybrid' ],
location: 'London, United Kingdom',
country_code: 'UK'
Discover the different game modes associated with Overwatch maps.
const overfast = new OverfastClient();
overfast.maps.getGamemodes().then((gamemodes) => {
Result is an array of objects with the following structure:
key: 'control',
name: 'Control',
icon: 'https://overfast-api.tekrop.fr/static/gamemodes/control-icon.svg',
description: 'Teams fight to hold a single objective. The first team to win two rounds wins the map.',
screenshot: 'https://overfast-api.tekrop.fr/static/gamemodes/control.avif'
Gather career statistics, summary information, and search for players.
Access detailed career statistics of Overwatch players.
Specify a gamemode to view statistics exclusively for that mode.
If not specified, competitive stats will be shown by default.
You can also filter by a specific hero to see their statistics only.
Choose a platform for data filtering. If not specified, the default platform (PC, if available) will be selected.
const overfast = new OverfastClient();
overfast.players.player("Sipixer#2880").career().then((career) => {
Result is an object with the following structure:
'all-heroes': {
assists: {
healing_done: 210430,
defensive_assists: 294,
assists: 323,
offensive_assists: 106
average: {
objective_kills_avg_per_10_min: 4.17,
objective_time_avg_per_10_min: 70,
final_blows_avg_per_10_min: 3.23,
time_spent_on_fire_avg_per_10_min: 85,
objective_contest_time_avg_per_10_min: 40,
solo_kills_avg_per_10_min: 0.43,
hero_damage_done_avg_per_10_min: 3974,
deaths_avg_per_10_min: 6.2,
eliminations_avg_per_10_min: 11.4,
assists_avg_per_10_min: 13.9,
healing_done_avg_per_10_min: 9054
best: {
eliminations_most_in_game: 31,
final_blows_most_in_game: 12,
all_damage_done_most_in_game: 11303,
healing_done_most_in_game: 22002,
defensive_assists_most_in_game: 29,
offensive_assists_most_in_game: 10,
objective_kills_most_in_game: 11,
objective_time_most_in_game: 152,
multikill_best: 3,
solo_kills_most_in_game: 12,
time_spent_on_fire_most_in_game: 63,
melee_final_blows_most_in_game: 3,
kill_streak_best: 10,
hero_damage_done_most_in_game: 10573,
barrier_damage_done_most_in_game: 2869,
assists_most_in_game: 30,
objective_contest_time_most_in_game: 152,
environmental_kills_most_in_game: 1
combat: {
deaths: 144,
objective_kills: 97,
final_blows: 75,
objective_time: 1637,
melee_final_blows: 8,
time_spent_on_fire: 1986,
eliminations: 265,
objective_contest_time: 925,
solo_kills: 10,
multikills: 2,
hero_damage_done: 92364,
damage_done: 92364,
environmental_kills: 1
game: {
time_played: 13945,
games_played: 20,
games_won: 10,
games_lost: 10,
hero_wins: 10
Obtain summary information about Overwatch players.
const overfast = new OverfastClient();
overfast.players.player("Sipixer#2880").summary().then((summary) => {
Result is an object with the following structure:
username: 'Sipixer',
avatar: 'https://d15f34w2p8l1cc.cloudfront.net/overwatch/dc5301f28de3bc59660b42f1fde4ef0598013ae9c1a2ba0f079abb94413d45e5.png',
namecard: 'https://d15f34w2p8l1cc.cloudfront.net/overwatch/fa6994c31bba175a98562a811e80c0fe82a2dbf984b54e08e1f634b1af57bb48.png',
title: 'Peasant',
endorsement: {
level: 2,
frame: 'https://static.playoverwatch.com/img/pages/career/icons/endorsement/2-8b9f0faa25.svg#icon'
competitive: {
pc: {
season: 9,
tank: null,
damage: null,
support: [Object],
open: null
console: null
Search for Overwatch players by their username.
const overfast = new OverfastClient();
overfast.players.searchPlayers("Sipixer").then((players) => {
Result is an objects with the following structure:
total: 1,
results: [
player_id: 'Sipixer-2880',
name: 'Sipixer#2880',
avatar: 'https://d15f34w2p8l1cc.cloudfront.net/overwatch/dc5301f28de3bc59660b42f1fde4ef0598013ae9c1a2ba0f079abb94413d45e5.png',
namecard: 'https://d15f34w2p8l1cc.cloudfront.net/overwatch/fa6994c31bba175a98562a811e80c0fe82a2dbf984b54e08e1f634b1af57bb48.png',
title: 'Peasant',
career_url: 'https://overfast-api.tekrop.fr/players/Sipixer-2880',
blizzard_id: 'c157bc83ab7489e0bba82fa0%7Cdd9b9ca9552b7d7dd186faef4ca0a23f'
Global Configuration
Tailor the OverFast API client to your needs by setting global configurations such as locale and base URL.
Locale is the language in which the data will be returned.
URL is the base URL for the Overfast API.
OverfastClient where T is an extendable type for the Hero list.
Locale is set to "en-us" by default, can be override on every request if option available.
Source Documentation
const overfast = new OverfastClient<"newHero">({
locale: "fr-fr",
url: "https://overfast-api.tekrop.fr/",
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Start integrating Overwatch data into your applications effortlessly today!