Integrate AirWatch SDK capabilities into your Cordova project
Use this document to install the VMware AirWatch SDK Plugin for Apache Cordova. The plugin helps enterprise app developers add enterprise- grade security, conditional access, and compliance capabilities to mobile applications.
Supported Components
This plugin works with the listed component versions.
- AirWatch Console v9.0+
- Android v4.0.3
- iOS v9.0+
To install the plugin, type cordova plugin add airwatch-sdk-plugin
at the command line. This should be added before any other plugin is added to the app.
Note: The download from NPM, usually takes 2-3 minutes on average, over high speed internet connection.
The plugin auto-starts on both Android and iOS devices and it automatically starts the AirWatch SDK. After startup, the functions are available in the window.plugins.airwatch object. No other initialization is required to use the documented functions.
To receive events from the SDK, an event listener must be initialized. See "Events" below.
Initialization of the SDK adds the listed features to your application, depending on the configurations set in the SDK profile in the AirWatch Console.
- Application level passcode
- Application level tunneling of network traffic
- Integrated authentication / single sign on
- Data loss prevention
- Disable screenshot (Android only)
- Restrict open-in for documents, web links, and email to approved applications only Restrict copy/paste (SDK provides flag value)
- Restrict access to app when device is offline
- Branding of VMware AirWatch splash screens when SDK application is launched on device
Functions available for Android and iOS
To obtain the absolute path of the file (whether the file available bundled in the app or downloaded to the documents folder by the app), refer to the Cordova File plugin documentation, at https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/latest/reference/cordova-plugin-file/.
Error code values for openFile
- 2 - File not found at the path
- 1 - Absolute path not specified
- 0 - No error
The AirWatch SDK sends event notifications to applications that use it when certain conditions arise. To receive these notifications in a Cordova app, call setSDKEventListener(listener)
. The listener
is a function that accepts two parameters. The first parameter will be a string containing the name of the event, as listed below. The second is an object that contains additional data if relevant to that type of event.
Events available for Android and iOS
Events available for iOS only
Network status values for stopNetworkActivity
Status code | Network state :----------:|:------------- -2 | initializing -1 | normal 0 | bad SSID 1 | cellular data disabled 2 | roaming 3 | proxy failed 4 | network not reachable
Best Practices
Add Business Logic After the initSuccess Event Fires
For applications using the AirWatch SDK, have all business logic of the application added after the SDK fires initSuccess event. This means the SDK successfully initialized and the user is authenticated successfully, if applicable.
The application waits until the initSuccess or initFailure event fires. Until the AirWatch SDK completely loads and the initSuccess event fires, the application shows a waiting screen or a loading screen to give feedback to the user that the applicaiton is in the process of loading and starting.
Do Not Add Business Logic to the deviceready Event
Unless there is a specific business requirement to perform operations before the AirWatch SDK is initialized, do not add logic to the deviceready event. The SDK shows an authentication screen above Cordova WebView which can block the application's UI until the SDK is initialized. The initFailure event fires when if SDK initialization somehow fails. The application listens to this event and shows the corresponding error in the application.
Quick Example
On deviceready, please set the SDK event listener: window.plugins.airwatch.setSDKEventListener(sdkEventCallback)
. The sdkEventCallback is a function that takes two arguments:
- A string that holds the name of the event fired.
- An object that contains the additional info on the event function sdkEventCallback(event, info).
function sdkEventCallback(event, info)
/* Check (event === "initSuccess") before using sdk functionalities */
AirWatch SDK Documentation
For further details about the AirWatch SDK, navigate to https://my.air-watch.com/help/9.1/en/Content/ReleaseNotes/DocList_PDFs.htm and search for AirWatch SDK Technical Implementation Guides in the Application Management section.
Questions and Feedback
Let us know if you have any questions or feedback by emailing us at [email protected]