outers - a all in one package for your day to day use
outers - a all in one package for your day to day use
This package provides services like Response Sender, Colorful Console, HTTP Status Codes, API Call, Random Number Generate, Create Cluster in NodeJS Easily also you can Store Temporary Data in Server Side like localStorage in Client Side
npm install outers@latest --save # install the package
If You Want to Use Encrypt and Decrypt, You Need To Install in your Client Side
npm i react-caches@latest --save
Encrypt and Decrypt
const { ClassBased } = require("outers"); // import the package
const Crypto = new ClassBased.CryptoGraphy("secretKey"); // create a new instance of CryptoGraphy class
const ASYNCencrypted = Crypto.Encrypt("Hello World!"); // encrypt the string with secret key in async way
const SYNCencrypted = Crypto.EncryptSync("Hello World!"); // encrypt the string with secret key in sync way
const ASYNCdecrypted = Crypto.Decrypt(ASYNCencrypted); // decrypt the string with secret key in async way
const SYNCdecrypted = Crypto.DecryptSync(SYNCencrypted); // decrypt the string with secret key in sync way
Send HTTP Response in Efficient Way with HTTP Status Code
const { Serve, StatusCodes } = require('outers'); // import the package
Serve.JSON({ // send a JSON response to the client
status: true, // boolean value
response: response, // response object in Express or Node Server
statusCode: StatusCodes.OK, // HTTP Status Code
Title: 'Hello World!', // Title of the response (you can pass anything or yo can pass undefined) ** Mainly used in Modal POP-UP Text **
data: { // data object of the response (you can pass anything or yo can pass undefined)
message: 'Hello World!' // message of the response
message: 'Hello World!' // message of the response (you can pass anything or yo can pass undefined) ** Mainly used in Modal POP-UP Text **
cookieData: [ // cookieData array of the response (you can pass anything or yo can pass undefined)
name: 'cookieName', // name of the cookie
value: 'cookieValue', // value of the cookie
options: { // options of the cookie
maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, // 30 days
httpOnly: true,
secure: true,
sameSite: 'none',
contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' // set custom content type for your need
}) // send a JSON response to the client
Serve.File({ // send a file to the client
response: response, // response object in Express or Node Server
rootName: 'public', // root directory name or your static directory name
statusCode: StatusCodes.OK, // HTTP Status Code
Filename: 'index.html', // Name of the File that you want to send, it can be anything like, image, html file, pdf, audio, video etc.
cookieData: [ // cookieData array of the response (you can pass anything or yo can pass undefined)
name: 'cookieName', // name of the cookie
value: 'cookieValue', // value of the cookie
options: { // options of the cookie
maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, // 30 days
httpOnly: true,
secure: true,
sameSite: 'none',
contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' // set content type as your need
}) // send a file to the client
Class Based Response Sender
const { ClassBased } = require('outers'); // import the package
// Create a new instance of ResponseSender class
const OK = new ClassBased.Response.JSON(response, StatusCode, contentType?); // create a new instance of JSON class with response, status code and content type
OK.Send(Data, Message, Title, CookieData?); // send a JSON response to the client
API Call in Efficient Way
const { ClassBased } = require('outers'); // import the package
const Call = new ClassBased.API("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com"); // create a new instance of API class with base URL
Call.Get('/todos/1', true, {"Custom Headers"}).then((response) => {
}); // send a GET request to the server with you want to parse the response to JSON
Call.Get('/todos', false, {"Custom Headers"}).then((response) => {
}); // send a POST request to the server with you want to not parse the response to JSON
Call.Post('/posts', {
title: 'foo',
body: 'bar',
userId: 1,
}, true, {"Custom Headers"}).then((response) => {
}); // send a POST request to the server with you want to parse the response to JSON
Call.Post('/posts/1', {
id: 1,
title: 'foo',
body: 'bar',
userId: 1,
}, false, {"Custom Headers"}).then((response) => {
}); // send a PUT request to the server with you want not to parse the response to JSON
Call.Put('/posts/1', {
id: 1,
title: 'foo',
body: 'bar',
userId: 1,
}, true, {"Custom Headers"}).then((response) => {
}); // send a PUT request to the server with you want to parse the response to JSON
Call.Put('/posts/1', {
id: 1,
title: 'foo',
body: 'bar',
userId: 1,
}, false, {"Custom Headers"}).then((response) => {
}); // send a PUT request to the server with you want not to parse the response to JSON
Call.Delete('/posts/1', true, {"Custom Headers"}).then((response) => {}); // send a DELETE request to the server with you want to parse the response to JSON
Call.Delete('/posts/1', false, {"Custom Headers"}).then((response) => {}); // send a DELETE request to the server with you want not to parse the response to JSON
** Note : You can set Custom Headers in the third parameter of the function, by default it is set to application/json **
Generate Random Number, Words, Symbols
const { ClassBased } = require('outers'); // import the package
const Unique = new ClassBased.UniqueGenerator(10); // create a new instance of UniqueGenerator class with length of the random string or number or symbol
const Number = Unique.RandomNumber(true, ["Custom Numbers"]); // generate a random number with custom numbers with Zero
const Number = Unique.RandomNumber(false, ["Custom Numbers"]); // generate a random number with custom numbers without Zero
const Words = Unique.RandomWord(true, ["Custom Words"]); // generate a random word with custom words in Capital Letters
const Words = Unique.RandomWord(false, ["Custom Words"]); // generate a random word with custom words in Small Letters
const Mixed = Unique.RandomMixed(true, ["Custom Mixed"]); // generate a random mixed string with custom mixed in Capital Letters
const Mixed = Unique.RandomMixed(false, ["Custom Mixed"]); // generate a random mixed string with custom mixed in Small Letters
const Symbols = Unique.RandomSymbol(["Custom Symbols"]); // generate a random symbol with custom symbols
** Custom Numbers, Words, Mixed and Symbols are optional, you can pass anything or you can pass undefined **
Console Colorful Print
const { Console } = require("outers"); // import the package
Console.green("Hello World!"); // print a string to the console with green color
Console.red("Hello World!"); // print a string to the console with red color
Console.blue("Hello World!"); // print a string to the console with blue color
Console.yellow("Hello World!"); // print a string to the console with yellow color
Console.magenta("Hello World!"); // print a string to the console with magenta color
Console.bright("Hello World!"); // print a string to the console with bright color
Console.cyan("Hello World!"); // print a string to the console with cyan color
Get Requester IP Address in Request.body Object
const { Middleware } = require("outers"); // import the package
app.use("/api", Middleware.RequestInjectIP(["PUT"]), MainFunction); // inject the IP Address in Request.body When the Request Method is PUT
app.use("/api", Middleware.RequestInjectIP(["PUT", "POST"]), MainFunction); // inject the IP Address in Request.body When the Request Method is PUT or POST
- Note : You can access the IP Address in Request.body Object
- Example : Request.body.RequesterIPaddress
- Requirement : This Middleware work only can with POST, PATCH, PUT and DELETE Request
- Note : You can use this Middleware in any route, but it is recommended to use in the first route
- Example : app.use('/api', Middleware.RequestInjectIP, MainFunction);
- You need to set trust proxy to true in express app to get the IP Address
- Example : app.set('trust proxy', true);
- You Need to Set X-Forwarded-For in the Header of the Request in Nginx or Apache or any other server
- Example : proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
Create Function Based Cluster in NodeJS Easily
const { ClassBased } = require('outers'); // import the package
ClassBased.ClusterCreator.FunctionBased(ExpressServer, PORT, CustomWorkerCount, BeforeListenFunctions? AfterListenFunctions?, ...FunctionMiddlewares?); // create a cluster with custom worker count
Full Example
const Express = require("express"); // import express
const { ClassBased } = require("outers"); // import the package
const app = Express(); // create a new express app
const CORS = require("cors"); // import cors
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000; // set the port
// Set the All Middlewares & First with the Express App like Body Parser, Cookie Parser, CORS, Helmet, Compression, Request Inject IP etc.
app.static("public"); // set the static directory
app.set("trust proxy", true); // set trust proxy to true
app.use(CORS); // use CORS
app.use(Express.json()); // use Express.json()
app.use(Express.urlencoded({ extended: true })); // use Express.urlencoded()
app.use(Middleware.RequestInjectIP); // inject the IP Address in Request.body
// Set the Routes with the Express App
app.use("/api", Routes); // set the routes
// At Last Create a Cluster with the Express App
ClassBased.CreateByFunction(app, PORT, 2); // create a cluster with custom worker count
// Default Value of CustomWorkerCount is length of the CPU Core & Default Value of PORT is 3000
// If you want to use the default value of CustomWorkerCount then you can pass undefined in the third parameter of the function
// You Don't need to listen the app, it will automatically listen the app in the cluster
// After all the setup, you can connect Database or anything else that you want to do
// If you want to use the engine middlewares, then you can pass the engine middlewares in the fourth parameter of the function or you can pass undefined if you don't want to use engine middlewares or you want to use outside of the cluster
// If you want to use the before listen functions, then you can pass the before listen functions in the fifth parameter of the function or you can pass undefined if you don't want to use before listen functions or you want to use outside of the cluster
// If you want to use the after listen functions, then you can pass the after listen functions in the sixth parameter of the function or you can pass undefined if you don't want to use after listen functions or you want to use outside of the cluster
// If you want to use the function middlewares, then you can pass the function middlewares in the seventh parameter of the function or you can pass undefined if you don't want to use function middlewares or you want to use outside of the cluster, you can pass as many as you want
Create Class Based Clusters in NodeJS Easily
const { ClassBased } = require("outers"); // import the package
const cluster = new ClassBased.ClusterCreator.ClassBased(
); // create a cluster instance
cluster.AddBeforeListenFunction(function () {}); //To Add a function to the cluster that will be called before server starts
cluster.AddAfterListenFunction(function () {}); //To Add a function to the cluster that will be called after server
cluster.AddFunctionMiddleware(function (Request, Response, Next) {}); // To Add a function to the cluster that linked to the middleware function
cluster.AddFunctionMiddleware(CORS()); //To Add CORS middleware to the cluster that will be called after server starts
cluster.StartServer(); // start the cluster server
Store Temporary Data in Server Side like localStorage in Client Side
const { ClassBased } = require('outers'); // import the package
const storage = new ClassBased.Storage.CreateNewShortStorage('Ankan Saha', 100, "ANCNCE", "Cache/"); // create a new instance of Storage class with name of the storage with 100 MB of storage size with secret key with storage directory
storage.Save("Ankan", { // save a data in the storage with key and value with .then() method
Name: "Ankan",
Roll: 67
}).then((res) => {
await storage.Save("Ankan", { // save a data in the storage with key and value with await keyword
Name: "Ankan",
Roll: 67
storage.Get("Ankan").then((res) => { // get a data from the storage with key with .then() method
await storage.Get("Ankan") // get a data from the storage with key with await keyword
await storage.Delete("Ankan") // delete a data from the storage with key with await keyword
storage.Delete("Ankan").then((res) => { // delete a data from the storage with key with .then() method
storage.DeleteStorage().(res=> console.log(res)); // Delete The All Data & also Delete the Data Storage with .then method
await storage.DeleteStorage() // Delete The All Data & also Delete the Data Storage with await keyword
Use MongoSuper Within Outers
const { ClassBased } = require("outers"); // import the package
const MongoSuper = new ClassBased.MongoSuper(); // create a new instance of MongoSuper class
Follow MongoSuper Documentation for Usage
Control URL Access in NodeJS
const { Middleware } = require("outers"); // import the package
); // control the URL Access in NodeJS with the Middleware function
- Note : You can pass as many as you want URLs in the first parameter of the function
- Note : You can pass the Failed Status Code in the second parameter of the function, by default it is set to 403, it will send a 403 status code if the verification failed
- Note : You can pass the Error Message in the third parameter of the function, by default it is set to 'You are not allowed to access this URL', it will send a error message if the verification failed
- Note : You can pass the Reverse in the fourth parameter of the function, by default it is set to false, if you set it to true then it will reverse the verification, it will send a 403 status code if the verification success
Control IP Address Access in NodeJS
const { Middleware } = require("outers"); // import the package
); // control the IP Address Access in NodeJS with the Middleware function
- Note : You can pass as many as you want IP Addresses in the first parameter of the function
- Note : You can pass the Failed Status Code in the second parameter of the function, by default it is set to 403, it will send a 403 status code if the verification failed
- Note : You can pass the Error Message in the third parameter of the function, by default it is set to 'You are not allowed to access this URL', it will send a error message if the verification failed
- Note : You can pass the Reverse in the fourth parameter of the function, by default it is set to false, if you set it to true then it will reverse the verification, it will send a 403 status code if the verification success
Download Git Repository in NodeJS
const { ClassBased } = require("outers"); // import the package
const Git = new ClassBased.GitCloner("PROVIDER_NAME", "USERNAME"); // create a new instance of GitCloner class
Note : You can pass the Provider Name in the first parameter of the function, it can be anything like GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket etc.
Note : You can pass the Username in the second parameter of the function, it can be anything like AnkanSaha, ankan, ankan-saha etc.
Note : You can pass true/false in the third parameter of the function, by default it is set to false, if you set it to true then it will find if any repository is available in the current directory, if it is available then it will delete the repository and clone the new repository
Note : You can pass Custom Directory in the fourth parameter of the function, by default it is set to undefined, if you set it to undefined then it will clone the repository in the Repository Name Directory, if you set it to any directory then it will clone the repository in the custom directory
Caution : If you set the third parameter to true then you can't use the custom directory, it will clone the repository in the Repository Name Directory
Git.Clone("RepositoryName").then((res) => {
}); // it will clone the repository in the current directory;
const { ClassBased } = require("outers"); // import the package
ClassBased.GitCloner.Clone("REPOSITORY_URL").then((res) => {
}); // it will clone the repository in the current directory;
Control User Agent Access in NodeJS
const { Middleware } = require("outers"); // import the package
); // control the User Agent Access in NodeJS with the Middleware function
- Note : You can pass as many as you want Browsers Names in the first parameter of the function
- Note : You can pass as many as you want Browsers Versions in the second parameter of the function (it is optional)
- Note : You can pass the Failed Status Code in the third parameter of the function, by default it is set to 403, it will send a 403 status code if the verification failed
- Note : You can pass the Error Message in the fourth parameter of the function, by default it is set to 'You are not allowed to access this URL', it will send a error message if the verification failed
- Note : You can pass the Reverse in the fifth parameter of the function, by default it is set to false, if you set it to true then it will reverse the verification, it will send a 403 status code if the verification success
Control Which Method is Allowed in NodeJS
const { Middleware } = require("outers"); // import the package
Middleware.ClassBasedController(["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"]),
); // control the method access in NodeJS with the Middleware function
Use JWT Validator Middleware in NodeJS
const { Middleware } = require("outers"); // import the package
app.use("/api", Middleware.JWTValidator("FieldName", Token), MainRouter); // use the JWT Validator Middleware in NodeJS
- Note : You can pass the Field Name in the first parameter of the function, it can be anything like Authorization, Token, JWT etc.
- Note : The Field Name is anywhere in the Request Object, it can be in the Header, Body, Query, Params etc. it automatically find the Field Name in the Request Object when you provide the Field Name
- Note : You can pass the JWT Secret Token in the second parameter of the function, it can be anything like SecretKey, SecretToken, Secret etc. to verify the JWT Token
// You can pass as many as you want ClassBased in the first parameter of the function
Save Request Logs
const { Middleware } = require("outers"); // import the package
Middleware.RequestLogger(true, true, true, true, true),
); // count the number of requests in NodeJS with the Middleware function
Note : You can pass true/false in all parameters of the function, by default it is set to true, if you set it to true then it will count the number of requests in the console
Note : The First Parameter is SaveIP which is used to save the IP Address in the Request Object, by default it is set to true, if you set it to true then it will save the IP Address in the Request Object
Note : The Second Parameter is SaveUserAgent which is used to save the User Agent in the Request Object, by default it is set to true, if you set it to true then it will save the User Agent in the Request Object
Note : The Third Parameter is SaveRequestTime which is used to save the Request Time in the Request Object, by default it is set to true, if you set it to true then it will save the Request Time in the Request Object
Note : The Fourth Parameter is SaveContentType which is used to save the Content Type in the Request Object, by default it is set to true, if you set it to true then it will save the Content Type in the Request Object
Note : The Fifth Parameter is SaveMethod which is used to save the Method in the Request Object, by default it is set to true, if you set it to true then it will save the Method in the Request Object