A promise (async/await) based Outbound Webhooks framework for NodeJS
A promise (async/await) based Outbound Webhooks framework for NodeJS
Key Features
- Event-driven - Create webhooks that subscribe to events, then fire the events and all the corresponding webhooks fire.
- Extensible backends - Built-in backends for storing the webhook configurations but also easily extensible to any backend you prefer.
- Webhook response handling - While webhooks are fire-and-forget. You can still listen to the responses from them (without blocking) and do stuff retroactively. (maybe log the success/failures for instance!)
Install with npm or yarn into your project:
npm install outbound-webhooks
yarn add outbound-webhooks
const Webhooks = require('outbound-webhooks');
// We wrap into async function so we can use async/await
;(async () => {
// create instance of the library
const wh = new Webhooks({
// pass a storage provider if you want your webhook configs stored persistently (optional)
storageProvider: new Webhooks.LocalDiskStorageProvider()
// create a listener when errors occur on the fired webhooks
wh.on('error', (err) => {
// lets add a new webhook!
await wh.add({
url: 'https://localhost/definitely/a/remote/server',
tags: ['ABC'],
events: [
meta: {
key: 'value'
// lets grab all hooks and look at the one we created
const allHooks = await wh.getAll()
// Will look something like this
// [
// {
// id: 'c964ab8c-2ace-4113-9719-fd93df764af3',
// tags: [ 'ABC' ],
// meta: { key: 'value' }
// url: 'https://localhost/definitely/a/remote/server',
// events: [ 'user.create', 'user.update' ],
// authentication: true,
// authToken: '4f0e10c0cedcb0920acddba25bddfcbe543cce1d',
// created: '2019-11-30T02:16:07.387Z',
// modified: '2019-11-30T02:16:07.387Z'
// }
// ]
// We also have many convience lookup methods for the hooks that exist:
const byOneEvent = await wh.getByEvents('user.create')
const byMultipleEvents = await wh.getByEvents([
const byTag = await wh.getByTag('ABC')
// And finally, lets trigger an event and fire off our webhook(s)!
// We can send arbitrary data via the second paramater
await wh.triggerByEvent('user.create', {
userId: '[email protected]',
name: 'Real Mann',
password: 'PleaseDontSendPasswordsInWebhooks!1!!!!1',
more: {
nested: [
// this is what the webhook receiver gets:
// {
// "event": "user.create",
// "webhookId": "bd56fb34-57c5-4b45-b370-13c25514ed25",
// "webhookSentAt": "2019-11-30T05:33:38.098Z",
// "data": {
// "userId": "[email protected]",
// "name": "Real Mann",
// "password": "PleaseDontSendPasswordsInWebhooks!1!!!!1",
// "more": {
// "nested": [
// "stuff",
// "and",
// "things"
// ]
// }
// }
Creating Your Own Backend
To create a connector to store your webhook data to your own database, simply create a class that implements the following example's schema and then supply an instance in the constructor to this library on the "storageProvider" key
Backend Connector Memory Example
class MemoryStorageProvider {
constructor () {
this.db = []
async getAll () {
return this.db
async getById (webhookId) {
const webhook = this.db.find(e => e.id === webhookId)
if (!webhook) return null
return webhook
async getByTag (tag) {
const webhooks = this.db.filter(e => e.tags.includes(tag))
if (!webhooks.length) return null
return webhooks
async getByEvent (eventType) {
const webhooks = this.db.filter(e => e.events.includes(eventType))
if (!webhooks.length) return null
return webhooks
async add (webhook) {
const result = this.db.find(e => e.id === webhook.id)
if (!result) throw new Error('Error adding object to in-memory database')
return result
async remove (webhookId) {
const result = this.db.findIndex(e => e.id === webhookId)
if (result === -1) throw new Error(`Unable to find webhook with id ${webhookId}`)
this.db.splice(result, 1)
return true
module.exports = MemoryStorageProvider
Builtin providers can be found in the src/providers directory for inspiration.
new Webhooks(options?)
Type: string
Lorem ipsum.
Type: object
Type: string
Default: rainbows
Lorem ipsum.