Frontend cache with declarative data queries
Forget about state management, just query for your objects instead!
- Do you like Redux or flux but are tired of your app consisting of 80% boilerplate code and tests for state-magement?
- Do you like the idea behind GraphQL and Relay but not really ready to completely change the way you write backends and frontends.
oublie is a simple cache where you declaritivly query for your data and pass a load strategy and a cache expiry...
What? Exampels!
Customers with 10 employees or less, optimistic load, 10 seconds expiry:
oublie.sub({many: 'Customer', where: {employees: {lte: 10}}}, 'OP', 10)
Customer with id=5, pessemistic load, 60 seconds expiry:
oublie.sub({one: 'Customer', id: 5}")}, 'PE', 60)
What are these queries? They are just simple javascript objects. Oubile uses a superset of popsiql-queries.
What strategies are there? 'LO' = local, 'PE' = pessemistic, 'OP' = optimistic, 'VO' = very optimistic
See more examples in the playground Find out more in the docs below.
For queries where your remote returns data, it always needs to do so as an object (map) where returned object or objects are nested under
{edit: 'Customer', id: 1} {new: 'Customer', data: {name: 'Vandelay Inc.', employees: 5}} {merge: 'Customer', id: 1, data: {name: 'Vandelay Inc.'}} {commit: 'Customer', id: '__1'} {delete: 'Customer', id: 1}
{create: 'Customer', data: {name: 'Vandelay Inc.', employees: 10}} {update: 'Customer', id: 1, data: {name: 'Vandelay Inc.', employees: 5}}
Vill stödja
{many: 'Restaurant', sort: 'name', max: 5} och sen byta till {many: 'Restaurant', sort: 'stars', max: 5}
Nya idéer:
init wait ok tom ok data fel nollställd inför ny
one: nil {}.=w {}.=d {..}.=d {}.=err {}.=w many: nil {}.=w {}.=d {..}.=d {}.=err {}.=w
--- skip this --many sort: undef [].=w [].=d---
init wait done empty error vals