A modular JavaScript API for programming with genetic algorithms.
A modular JavaScript API for programming with genetic algorithms.
npm install otus
- Support for three modular exchangeable genetic operators (selection, crossover, mutation)
- A ready-to-use implementation of each of the supported genetic operators:
- Genetic representation using plain JavaScript objects
- Support for elitism
- Support for adaptive parameters (adaptive genetic algorithms)
- Immutable/functional API
- Built-in support for TypeScript
- No dependencies
The genotype defines all genes and their possible values using alleles. It is so to speak the blueprint for the construction of phenotypes.
interface Genotype {
readonly [geneName: string]: Allele<any>;
The possible values of a particular gene are called alleles. An allele is a function with which the initial value of a gene is generated as well as all further values of a gene in the course of mutations.
type Allele<TValue> = () => TValue;
The phenotype represents a candidate solution and contains all genes defined by the genotype with concrete values.
type Phenotype<TGenotype extends Genotype> = {
readonly [TGeneName in keyof TGenotype]: Gene<TGenotype, TGeneName>;
A gene represents a concrete property of a solution which can be mutated and altered.
type Gene<
TGenotype extends Genotype,
TGeneName extends keyof TGenotype,
> = ReturnType<TGenotype[TGeneName]>;
Selection operator
The selection operator is used to select individual solutions from a population for later breeding (using the crossover operator). The selection is usually based on the fitness of each individual, which is determined by a fitness function.
type SelectionOperator<TGenotype extends Genotype> = (
phenotypes: readonly Phenotype<TGenotype>[],
fitnessFunction: FitnessFunction<TGenotype>,
) => Phenotype<TGenotype>;
Fitness function
A fitness function is a particular type of objective function that is used to summarise, as a single figure of merit, how close a given solution is to achieving the set aims.
type FitnessFunction<TGenotype extends Genotype> = (
phenotype: Phenotype<TGenotype>,
) => number;
Crossover operator
The crossover operator is used in the process of taking two parent solutions and producing a child solution from them. By recombining portions of good solutions, the genetic algorithm is more likely to create a better solution.
type CrossoverOperator<TGenotype extends Genotype> = (
phenotypeA: Phenotype<TGenotype>,
phenotypeB: Phenotype<TGenotype>,
) => Phenotype<TGenotype>;
Mutation operator
The mutation operator encourages genetic diversity amongst solutions and attempts to prevent the genetic algorithm converging to a local minimum by stopping the solutions becoming too close to one another.
type MutationOperator<TGenotype extends Genotype> = (
phenotype: Phenotype<TGenotype>,
genotype: TGenotype,
) => Phenotype<TGenotype>;
Usage example
import {
} from 'otus';
const smallNumberGenotype = {
base: createFloatAllele(1, 10), // float between 1.0 (inclusive) and 10.0 (exclusive)
exponent: createIntegerAllele(2, 4), // integer between 2 (inclusive) and 4 (inclusive)
function isAnswerToEverything(smallNumberPhenotype) {
const number = Math.pow(
return number === 42 ? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER : 1 / Math.abs(42 - number);
const state = {
genotype: smallNumberGenotype,
phenotypes: [],
populationSize: 100,
elitePopulationSize: 2,
fitnessFunction: cacheFitnessFunction(isAnswerToEverything),
selectionOperator: createFitnessProportionateSelectionOperator(),
crossoverOperator: createUniformCrossoverOperator(0.5),
mutationOperator: createUniformMutationOperator(0.1),
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i += 1) {
state = geneticAlgorithm(state);
const answerToEverythingPhenotype = getFittestPhenotype(state);
`The answer to everything:`,
The answer to everything: 42.00057578051458 { base: 3.4760425291663264, exponent: 3 }
API reference
Genetic algorithm function
function geneticAlgorithm<TGenotype extends Genotype>(
state: GeneticAlgorithmState<TGenotype>,
): GeneticAlgorithmState<TGenotype>;
interface GeneticAlgorithmState<TGenotype extends Genotype> {
readonly genotype: TGenotype;
readonly phenotypes: readonly Phenotype<TGenotype>[];
readonly populationSize: number;
readonly elitePopulationSize?: number;
readonly fitnessFunction: FitnessFunction<TGenotype>;
readonly selectionOperator: SelectionOperator<TGenotype>;
readonly crossoverOperator: CrossoverOperator<TGenotype>;
readonly mutationOperator: MutationOperator<TGenotype>;
Genetic operator factory functions
function createFitnessProportionateSelectionOperator<
TGenotype extends Genotype,
>(randomFunction?: () => number): SelectionOperator<TGenotype>;
function createUniformCrossoverOperator<TGenotype extends Genotype>(
probability: number,
randomFunction?: () => number,
): CrossoverOperator<TGenotype>;
function createUniformMutationOperator<TGenotype extends Genotype>(
probability: number,
randomFunction?: () => number,
): MutationOperator<TGenotype>;
Allele factory functions
function createFloatAllele(
min: number,
max: number,
randomFunction?: () => number,
): Allele<number>;
The created allele returns a random float between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive).
function createIntegerAllele(
min: number,
max: number,
randomFunction?: () => number,
): Allele<number>;
The created allele returns a random integer between min (inclusive) and max (inclusive).
Utility functions
function getFittestPhenotype<TGenotype extends Genotype>(
state: GeneticAlgorithmState<TGenotype>,
): Phenotype<TGenotype> | undefined;
function cacheFitnessFunction<TGenotype extends Genotype>(
fitnessFunction: FitnessFunction<TGenotype>,
): FitnessFunction<TGenotype>;
function createRandomPhenotype<TGenotype extends Genotype>(
genotype: TGenotype,
): Phenotype<TGenotype>;