A Library to authenticate user via OTP verification.
Authenticate Via OTP Verification
Library to authenticate user via OTP verification.
Using OTP Service from otp.dev
This package utilizes the OTP service provided by otp.dev for generating one-time passwords. However, please note that otp.dev offers its services for free for a limited duration, typically 7 days from the time of registration.
To use the OTP service from otp.dev with this package, you need to sign up on the otp.dev website and obtain API credentials. Once you have the credentials, you can pass them to the appropriate methods or configuration options in your application.
As mentioned, otp.dev offers its services for free for a limited duration. After the trial period expires, you may need to upgrade to a paid plan to continue using the service.
It's important to be aware of the limitations of the free trial period and plan your usage accordingly. If your application relies heavily on OTP generation, you may need to consider alternatives or upgrade to a paid plan to ensure uninterrupted service.
Additionally, please review the terms of service and usage limits provided by otp.dev to ensure compliance with their policies.
For more information about otp.dev and their services, please visit otp.dev.
NPM Install
npm install otp-armor
Yarn Install
yarn add otp-armor
Credentials Setup From https://otp.dev/en/
const config = {
app_key : 'your_api_key',
api_token: 'your_api_token'
Mandatory Field Setup
const details = {
success_redirect_url : 'your_success_route_after_successful_otp_verification', // The domain through which you got the API
fail_redirect_url : 'your_failed_route_after_unsuccessful_otp_verification' // The domain through which you got the API
phone OTP
const result = await phoneOTP(config, details)
Email OTP
const result = await emailOTP(config, details)
Voice OTP
const result = await voiceOTP(config, details)
Phone, Emai & Voice OTP
const result = await multiMethodOTP(config, details)
Single OTP Status Check
const result = await history(config, otp_id)
Show History
const result = await history(config)
API Call Flow
const express = require('express')
const { phoneOTP, emailOTP, voiceOTP, multiMethodOTP, status, history } = require('otp-armor')
const bodyParser = require('body-parser')
const app = express()
const port = 3000
// Middleware setup
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }))
// Credentials setup from https://otp.dev/en/
const config = {
app_key : 'your_api_key',
api_token: 'your_api_token'
// Mandatory fields setup
const details = {
success_redirect_url : 'your_success_route_after_successful_otp_verification', // The domain through which you got the API
fail_redirect_url : 'your_failed_route_after_unsuccessful_otp_verification' // The domain through which you got the API
// Phone OTP
app.get("/get-phone-otp", async(req, res) => {
try {
const result = await phoneOTP(config, details)
// save result in your db
} catch (e) {
// Email OTP
app.get("/get-email-otp", async(req, res) => {
try {
const result = await emailOTP(config, details)
// save result in your db
} catch (e) {
// Voice OTP via Phone
app.get("/get-voice-otp", async(req, res) => {
try {
const result = await voiceOTP(config, details)
// save result in your db
} catch (e) {
// Phone, Email, Voice OTP
app.get("/get-all-otp", async(req, res) => {
try {
const result = await multiMethodOTP(config, details)
// save result in your db
} catch (e) {
// OTP Status Check
app.get("/otp-status", async(req, res) => {
try {
const {otp_id} = req.query
const result = await status(config, otp_id)
} catch (e) {
// OTP History Check
app.get("/otp-history", async(req, res) => {
try {
const result = await history(config)
} catch (e) {
app.listen(port, () =>
console.log(`Example app listening at${port}`)